Is it possible to get a pole in another city. Where is the compulsory medical insurance policy valid in Russia? How to get a referral

In Russia, to receive free medical services of any kind, a compulsory medical insurance policy is required... In its absence, polyclinics will only be able to offer paid services.

Despite this, if the policy has expired, it was damaged or issued in another region, people are in no hurry to change it.

This situation is caused by the fact that no one plans to get injured, get sick and face other troubles that may happen.

In the to-do list, the replacement of the OMS policy is one of the last places. But in practice, the problem of providing free medical care is very acute.

Therefore, it is important to know how to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow if it is registered in another city.

A huge number of people work in the capital who came from other regions and do not even have a residence permit. If it is necessary to visit a doctor, a person is faced with the fact that it is rather difficult to obtain an OMI policy without a residence permit.

Therefore, it is important to carefully understand whether it is possible to get an OMS policy without registration, and what nuances exist in this matter.

Having a compulsory medical insurance policy enables a citizen to apply for help to a polyclinic, hospital, city treatment centers and other medical organizations that participate in the compulsory health insurance program.

If a person lives in the Moscow region and has received a policy on the territory of his region, then he has the right to receive additional medical services that are not included in the list of the state basic program.

For example, seek help for tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental and behavioral disorders, including those related to substance use.

The full list of services that an insured citizen can apply for can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region "On the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care to Citizens."

For many, the actual question is how to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow, without registration. If a person works in the capital officially, then he will have no problems obtaining a policy.

Since the employer regularly deducts contributions to the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund for him. With a request for registration of compulsory medical insurance, a citizen can contact his superiors in the personnel department or in the accounting department.

In this case, no documents, including those confirming registration, need to be presented.

It will take approximately two months to process the policy through the employer.

The term will depend on the competence of the responsible employee. According to the law, the employer is given 2 weeks to prepare all the necessary papers and send them to the CHI Fund.

But if a person leaves, he needs to give the policy to the employer. During maternity leave and parental leave, the compulsory medical insurance received through the employer continues to operate.

It is quite difficult to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow for an unemployed person without a registration... In this case, the citizen can replace the document on temporary registration with a lease agreement for the apartment he is renting.

But this option has several nuances:

  1. A lease agreement is concluded only if a realtor is involved in the transaction. Most tenants try to save money on the services of intermediaries and rent an apartment without a contract.
  2. The insurer may require the personal presence of the landlord or a statement written by him in his own hand. The landlord rarely agrees to such actions.

If a person does not have a temporary residence permit or permanent registration, he should present convincing arguments and hope that in disputes with the insurer they will give a positive result.

A citizen has the right to refer to the law "On Health Insurance of Citizens of the Russian Federation", it states that registration is not a prerequisite for receiving compulsory medical insurance.

Thus, the refusal to the insurance company can be appealed in court.... To apply to the judicial authorities, the insurer must request a written refusal to provide the policy.

In addition, you can refer to the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from 2011... This document states that a visitor has the right to receive a policy without presenting papers, which is confirmed by registration.

In any case, a person without a residence permit should be ready for trial.

Insurers believe that it is better to issue compulsory medical insurance only at the place of registration. If the court decides not in favor of the citizen, then the best option would be to find a job, conclude an agreement with the landlord or change your place of residence.

In accordance with the law, citizens of the Russian Federation in 2020 can receive an OMS policy at their place of actual residence. Permanent or temporary registration has no effect.

OMS uniform sample does not contain information about the place of residence and registration of the person. But these data are entered into the unified electronic register of insured citizens when the policy is issued.

If a citizen moves to live in another place, he is obliged to inform the insurer about this within 1 month.

When at the new place of residence there is no insurance company in which the insurance policy was issued, then the citizen can choose a new insurance company for the CHI.

In the case when a person is forced to constantly move, then it is worthwhile to understand that it is best to take out insurance where most time the citizen lives.

Regarding the question whether it is possible to be treated in another city for free under the compulsory medical insurance policy, it is worth considering some nuances:

It is quite simple to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow if it is registered in the Moscow region. To do this, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Collect required documents.
  2. Decide on the choice of an insurance company.
  3. Apply.

It will take about a month to make the policy, for this period a person is issued a temporary policy, according to which he can receive all guaranteed services.

To obtain a policy, you need to prepare the following papers:

After preparing the documents, you need to decide on medical organization ... It is better to choose it at the place of actual residence. Since it will be possible to receive services not only under the basic, but also under the territorial program.

Applying for registration of compulsory medical insurance carried out in the insurance company itself, in the clinic to which the citizen is attached or through the MFC. In the multifunctional center, the service is provided only for children under one and a half years old.

The procedure for submitting an application can be clarified on the institution's website or by calling the phone numbers listed in the register. The application form will be issued on the spot. You can pick up the finished document after 30 days from the date of submission of all papers and applications.

Recently, the legislation on CHI has changed more than once.

Therefore, quite often people do not exercise their rights simply because they do not know about them or do not understand how to obtain performance in practice.

According to the current rules, you can not only get compulsory medical insurance without registration, but also choose a polyclinic, an attending physician, and even a hospital for hospitalization.

In this matter, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. You can choose a clinic for attachment or permanent medical services once a year.
  2. A person is not obliged to attach to the district clinic at the place of registration or actual residence.

There is an opportunity to choose a medical facility close to work.

At the same time, it should be understood that each polyclinic has a service area assigned to it - medical areas for providing assistance at home. Therefore, it is important to think about everything in advance and evaluate possible situations.

A citizen has the right to choose a new attending physician once a year. To do this, you just need to write an application addressed to the head physician.

Citizens with a Moscow residence permit and a compulsory medical insurance policy, who are registered on the portal of the mayor of the capital -, can attach to the clinic on the same site, indicating SNILS.

To do this, you need to go to the "Services and Services" section and submit an application on your own behalf. After three days, the person will be assigned to the clinic he needs and the remote recording service will be connected to specialists through the website.

All users except residents of New Moscow and those who have a temporary compulsory medical insurance can apply online. If you wish, you can submit an application during a personal visit to the clinic.

But the question of how to attach the compulsory medical insurance policy to a clinic in another city does not lose its relevance. To do this, residents of the capital with policies from other regions should initially apply with a policy to an insurer, their own or another.

If a citizen has an old-style compulsory medical insurance, then first of all, he needs to issue a new uniform compulsory medical insurance policy. After re-registering the policy, you can contact any clinic of your choice for attachment.

In some cases, additional documents may be required for registration:

In the absence of a policy, you can apply for it in any insurance company, and then contact the desired clinic for attachment.

Thus, getting a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow without registration is not a problem. According to the rules that are in force in 2020, for registration it is enough to indicate only the actual place of residence.

In the compulsory medical insurance policy of a single sample, there is no information on the residence and registration of a citizen. These data are entered into the unified electronic register of insured citizens.

Under the compulsory medical insurance policy, you can be treated for free in another city in the amount of the basic compulsory medical insurance program.

According to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, the medical insurance policy (OMS) is valid throughout the territory of Russia, and not only in the city where it was issued. Therefore, refusing to serve a citizen due to the fact that his policy would be registered in another region is illegal and is a direct violation of the law. How is service provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy in another city, what law is it regulated by, and what are the consequences of a medical institution in case of refusal to provide services? We will try to answer these questions in detail in this article.

The procedure for servicing nonresident citizens

In order to take advantage of compulsory health insurance in another city, you can go to any state clinic or hospital. In this case, a document certifying the existence of insurance, namely a policy, will act as the guarantor of the citizen's right to free qualified service. It is enough just to present it when visiting a medical institution.

Note! According to the law, urgent and emergency assistance should be provided to all those in need in any case, regardless of whether they have insurance, a passport, etc. In such a situation, a medical institution simply does not have the right to demand any documents.

If a patient from another region is forced to pay for the service provided, then it is imperative to keep all receipts and receipts for treatment. Upon returning to the settlement of permanent residence, you will need to contact the local territorial fund OMS and inform about the fact of illegal demand for payment for medical services, after which, on the basis of the checks provided, the costs will be reimbursed. If a citizen has forgotten the policy, then in another city he will also be able to use free medical care, but for this either he personally or the employee of the health care institution will have to contact the territorial fund that issued the insurance document and find out information about the availability of the policy.

What law regulates the operation of the compulsory medical insurance policy?

The principle of operation and procedure for the insurance oMS document on the territory of the Russian Federation is regulated by the Law No. 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens" adopted in 2011. As mentioned above, according to this law, a citizen has the right to use medical care even if the policy is obtained in another city. Moreover, in such a situation, the patient may be faced with a number of features of the insurance action. First of all, we are talking about the fact that, being outside of his native region, he can count on a slightly different volume of services, since such patients are served according to the basic health insurance program established by law.

The list of services included in this program, is described and regulated in detail in the Law No. 326-ФЗ dated November 29, 2010. Summarizing this document, we can say that the basic program is somewhat less in terms of the volume of services included than the territorial one (this includes more expensive diagnostics, procedures and operations), but in both cases the patient can be sure that he will receive highly qualified medical care.

Liability for denial of service

In a situation where a citizen does not want to be served in a health care institution on the basis that the policy was issued in another city, it is worth immediately writing an application addressed to the head physician of this organization. In most cases, this is more than enough for the clinic staff to change their mind and provide the necessary assistance. If this scenario cannot be implemented, you can call the insurance company directly (using the phone number indicated on the policy) or the territorial CHI fund.

Note! Medical services under the policy are provided only by those organizations that are part of the territorial cHI program... That is, if a person turned to some private clinic (not included in the CHI), without needing emergency medical care (for example, he just caught a cold), then it is likely that no one will take him for free.

According to the law, employees of medical institutions of the compulsory medical insurance system do not have the right to refuse to provide assistance to a patient due to the inconsistency of the region. In case of denial of service, the patient has every right to go to court and demand compensation not only for the cost of treatment, but also for moral damage. And if, through the fault of a medical worker who did not provide timely medical care to a patient, harm was caused to the patient's health, the doctor faces criminal liability.

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