An insurance pool is a concentration of financial opportunities to overcome the consequences of major disasters. Insurance: theory and practice What is an insurance pool

In order to improve the efficiency of work, as well as to protect their interests and rights, insurance companies can be combined into insurance pools.

Insurance pool is a collaboration of insurance companies on a voluntary basis, created for better and better performance of their duties, as well as protection against financial risks and providing financial guarantees for all members of such a community.

Moreover, all participants in such an association bear total responsibility for each other's obligationsand for all existing contractual obligations and agreements.

History reference

Historically, the origins of such associations are in Great Britain: in 1919 "British Aviation Insurance Group" became a pioneer and pioneer of cooperation between insurers... Germany soon followed the example of the British, creating its own community that became the guarantor of obligations in the aviation insurance industry.
Then, with the development of technological progress, such associations began to be widely used in practice: since the 60s of the last century, an increasing number of companies in different countries of the world have sought to unite into voluntary communities in order to ensure their financial and professional stability, as well as to protect their rights.

In our country, there is a law "On the organization of insurance in Russian Federation", Which is the main regulatory document governing the activities of such associations.

So, this law spells out the possibilities and options for creating partnerships. on the basis of relevant agreements and without forming a separate legal entity. However, having decided to conclude such an agreement, all members of such an association must notify the insurance supervisory authorities,operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Activities in Russia

ARIA became the pioneer of such societies in the last century - All-Russian Union of Insurers... The activities of this community were widely known within our country. Created at the very beginning of the 90s of the 20th century, this alliance was a response to the uncontrollably growing number of new persons involved in the developing Russian life and property insurance market.

According to the charter, the goals of the creation of this company were to protect the interests of insurance companies, professional assistance and support in the provision of insurance services, internal settlement of disputes and the general development of the national insurance sector.

By 2005, a need arose for a different kind of organization, and the idea was embodied in the creation of the National Union of Liability Insurers or NCCO. This community united those insurance companies whose activities were closely related to the insurance of all forms of civil liability. It should be noted that this society has been actively developing and is still functioning successfully, being the guarantor of the protection of rights and the proper fulfillment of obligations by companies.

In fact, NSSO is a reorganized WZO, which was joined by another 26 leading companies providing services in the field of liability insurance. This association regulates the activities of such areas of insurance as civil responsibility (the exception is OSAGO), as well as liability insurance at hazardous production facilities and carrier liability insurance.

Modern tendencies

Also on the territory of the Russian Federation from 2002 to the present, a pool called RSA has been successfully operating - Russian Union of Auto Insurers. The activities of this company are regulated by the regulations on OSAGO.

Russian Union of Auto Insurers designed to resolve issues of compensation payments instead of mandatory payments for OSAGO insurance, and this happens only when the insurer, for any reason, is not able to fully ensure the fulfillment of its obligations. Also, this organization is the guarantor of the execution of decisions in matters of motor civil liability, and in the event of a lawsuit it acts as defendants or co-defendants.

In addition to such powerful organizations, on the territory of the Russian Federation also smaller pools operate, however, their sphere of influence is often invisible to the layman, but strategically important for the country as a whole.

Examples include:

  • aerospace insurance pool... As you might guess from the name, this organization deals exclusively with the risks associated with the development of the space industry and the development of aviation in the country;
  • to protect against risks in the field of nuclear power development, the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool was established;
  • to protect against the threat in internal and international terrorism - the RATSP association - also an insurance pool, but already the Russian Anti-Terrorism Pool.

Specialist forecasts

In addition to achieving global goals, pools can also be created:

  • to support local point strategically important projects - such was the Olympics in the city of Sochi;
  • the construction insurance company was successfully established, but by 2010 it ceased to exist due to numerous violations of monopoly legislation revealed.

Perhaps, in the foreseeable future, there will appear in our country a new society that will become a single powerful organization, freely and independently regulating its activities. At least five serious persons involved in the insurance business declared their intention to support this project - we are talking about a single pool with the participation of:

  • NSSO;
  • the union of medical insurers;
  • union of agricultural insurers;
  • vSS itself.

An insurance pool is a voluntary association of insurers. The pool is not legal entity, is created on the basis of an agreement between the participants of the pool in order to ensure the financial stability of insurance operations on the basis of joint liability of its participants for the fulfillment of obligations.

The pool is created mainly when taking on dangerous, large or little-known risks. The pool operates on the principle of coinsurance.

Insurance pools are widely used in foreign countries with a developed insurance system.

The creation and operation of insurance pools ensures the following tasks:

  • overcoming the insufficient financial capacity of individual insurers;
  • ensuring the financial stability of insurance operations;
  • guarantees of payment of insurance claims;
  • the possibility of accepting for insurance large and unique in its complexity and magnitude probable risks, significantly exceeding the possibility of owning the entire risk, no matter how large the insurance organization.

At present, the risks of aviation and space, risks in nuclear energy, risks of maritime transport and sea transportation and some others should be classified as particularly large risks.

The variety of types used in aviation insurance: hull insurance, insurance of passengers and crew against accidents, liability to third parties leads to the accumulation of risks.

Almost no insurance institution is able to withstand financially covering the complete loss of a modern aircraft with a full cumulation of insurance risk These circumstances lead to attempts to distribute serious insurance risks on the international aviation insurance market in the form of reinsurance, reinsurance pools, co-insurance, with a tendency to limit the original insurer's own share of liability.

Insurance pools operate both on the principles of coinsurance and reinsurance. In co-insurance pools, participants transfer to the pool all risks of a certain type, for the insurance of which this association was created.

All risks transferred to the pool are divided in certain proportions between the participants, along with insurance premiums for them. The share that each member of the pool receives is determined as a fixed percentage, the so-called signature share.

The pool serves as joint risk insurance. Often such a community consists of a large number of participants and thus provides a better balance and distribution of risks. Each pool member participates in the risks covered by the pool based on a pro-rata scheme established from the outset. Such shares in a pool are expressed either as a percentage of the total capacity of the pool (for example, 5%), or in absolute shares (for example, 5 out of 100 shares), or, much less often, in fixed amounts.

In reinsurance pools, participants are engaged in primary insurance on their own, and excess risks are transferred to the pool for reinsurance.

By accepting their specific share, each pool member participates not only in the risks that he himself has accepted or transferred to the pool, but also in all other risks contributed to the pool by other participants. This concept achieves three important goals:

a) the number of risks taken by each participant according to his share increases with the desired effect, and from the point of view of insurance, is the desired increase in risks;

b) the composition of risks in the portfolio of each participant is improving;

c) a pool member cannot incur losses in excess of his share. The risk of cumulative risks is relatively easier to eliminate due to the fact that all risks are summarized and checked by the pool board.

The main bodies of the pool are:

a) a meeting of the pool members;

b) the supervisory board of the pool;

c) the executive committee of the pool.

The meeting of participants is the highest governing body. He usually has broader powers than, for example, a meeting of shareholders of a joint stock company. In many cases, the meeting of participants is empowered to select the supervisory board, establish governance principles, determine maximum risk limits and the size of their own retention pool, approve annual reports, justify the actions of the executive committee and governing bodies, amend the pool charter, etc.

The supervisory board usually consists of members of the board of all companies in the pool. He not only performs the functions of control, as the supervisory board of a joint-stock company, but also resolves issues of reinsurance, tariffication and conditions of contracts.

The pool management task is entrusted to the pool member, professional reinsurance company, or to a special pool secretariat. One of its main tasks is the technical handling of the allocation of risks transferred to the pool. It is a collection point for all risks transferred to the pool. The board's job is to distribute such risks, draw up and send out regular (usually quarterly) reports to pool members on matters related to the management of the risk transferred to the pool, help with claims settlement (especially in difficult cases) and take care of the pool's overall reinsurance policy.

Management costs are usually allocated to participants according to their shares in the pool.

Reinsurance contracts entered into by the pool at a common expense release the pool from risks that may exceed its capacity. To achieve and improve the balance, reinsurance contracts can be concluded with foreign pools operating in the same business area.

In most countries, insurance pools are limited in their activities by the rules of antitrust laws. For example, according to the regulations of the European Community, the creation of reinsurance pools is allowed provided that they control no more than 15% of the capacity of the corresponding risk.

In Russia, the formation and operation of insurance pools is regulated by the RF Law "On the Organization of Insurance Business in the Russian Federation" and regulatory acts of supervisory authorities, in particular the Regulation on the Insurance Pool, approved by the order of Rosstrakhnadzor dated 03.31.96. No. 08-11r22 "On the activities of insurance pools". The existing regulation on the insurance pool does not imply the formation of reinsurance pools, since reinsurance does not allow joint liability of insurers.

An insurance pool is created for a certain period for a specific type of insurance activity on the basis of an agreement between the participants. The agreement defines the following characteristics of the pool:

  • the subject of his activity;
  • types of insurance and property risks accepted by the pool for insurance;
  • conditions, procedure for the conclusion and execution of insurance contracts concluded on behalf of the pool participants;
  • mutual obligations of the participants and the procedure for interaction between them.

The agreement determines the financial participation of each member of the pool, uniform insurance rules and uniform rates, sets the maximum size of the pool's obligations, when concluding contracts on its behalf, and the share of responsibility of each pool member for the risks assumed.

The agreement defines the procedure and terms for mutual settlements between the pool members, policyholders and insurance intermediaries.

The activities of the insurance pool should be based on the following principles:

  • creation of the most favorable insurance conditions for clients on the basis of uniform rules and tariffs of insurers participating in the pool;
  • conclusion of insurance contracts within maximum size the obligations established by the insurance pool agreement;
  • accounting of incoming insurance premiums for the relevant types of insurance on separate sub-accounts or funds analytical accounting - in accordance with the established procedure for mutual settlements between the participants of the pool;
  • redistribution of insurance premiums received under insurance contracts concluded on behalf of the pool participants, according to their share in the risk accepted for insurance;
  • joint liability of the pool participants for the fulfillment of obligations under insurance contracts concluded on behalf of the participants in the insurance pool.

The liability of the pool participants for the risks assumed should not exceed 10% of the value of their own assets.

If the insured risk exceeds the capabilities of the pool, then the excess must be reinsured in insurance organizations that are not members of the pool.

On the offensive insured event the insurer who has received an application from the policyholder is obliged to immediately notify other participants of the pool about it with the provision of documents confirming the fact and amount of damage.

The first pooling of insurers was created in England in 1919 and was called the "British Aviation Insurance Group" (British Aviation Insurance Group). It united 24 groups of the Lloyd Corporation, as well as several other institutions. A large organization is the Nordishe Pool for Luftfart Fersikring, which covers 137 insurance institutions. In 1920, an aviation insurance pool was created in Germany.

There are two separate committees in the German pool:

  • accident and liability insurance (classes A and B);
  • for aircraft Casco insurance (class C).

in the 60s of the last century, in connection with the increase in the number of large-scale accidents and disasters caused by man-made factors, the construction and operation of nuclear power plants, the development of astronautics were certain prerequisites for the creation of various insurance pools.

Pool committees determine the type of risks that should be covered in their class. They also determine the premiums, insurance conditions and the amount of commissions due to participating companies to cover their expenses, including commissions to agents and brokers.

The current affairs are decided by the pool board elected by the meeting. It also represents a pool abroad.

Study guide for self-preparation for practical exercises (in questions and answers).
Taganrog: SFedU, 2007


What is an insurance pool?

Insurance poolis a voluntary association of insurers, which is not a legal entity, created on the basis of an agreement between them on the terms of joint liability of its participants for the performance of obligations under insurance contracts concluded on behalf of the participants of the insurance pool.

In order to ensure the financial stability of insurance operations, guarantees of insurance payments, a more complete insurance coverage of risks, to meet the needs of policyholders in insurance services, insurers can sign an agreement on an insurance pool.

The insurance pool is created for a specific period or without limitation and operates on the basis of an agreement signed by the insurers. The number of insurers participating in the pool can be arbitrary.

Insurers - members of the insurance pool conclude insurance contracts according to uniform developed conditions and insurance rates within the maximum amount of obligations established by the agreement for each individual risk. Insurance premiumsreceived under the contracts concluded on behalf of the insurance pool are redistributed among the participants according to their share in the risk accepted for insurance. The activities of the members of the insurance pool are aimed at creating favorable insurance conditions for clients. They are responsible for fulfilling all obligations assumed under the insurance pool agreement. In the Russian insurance market, the efforts of insurers have formed the following insurance pools:

Ecological pool,

Space risk insurance pool,

Nuclear Liability Insurance Pool,

Municipal Housing Insurance Pool,

Pool for insurance of construction and installation calculations,

Health insurance pool.

An insurance pool - a voluntary association of insurers - is not a legal entity, it is created on the basis of an agreement between the pool participants in order to ensure the financial stability of insurance operations on the basis of joint liability of its participants for the fulfillment of obligations.

The pool is created primarily when accepting dangerous, large or little-known risks for insurance. The pool operates on the principle of coinsurance.

Insurance pools are widely used in foreign countries with a developed insurance system.

The creation and operation of insurance pools ensures the following tasks:

    overcoming the insufficient financial capacity of individual insurers;

    ensuring the financial stability of insurance operations;

    guarantees of payment of insurance claims;

    the possibility of accepting for insurance large and unique in its complexity and magnitude probable risks, significantly exceeding the possibility of owning the entire risk, no matter how large the insurance organization.

At present, particularly large risks include aviation and space risks, risks in nuclear energy, risks of maritime transport and maritime transport, and some others.

The variety of types used in aviation insurance: hull insurance, insurance of passengers and crew against accidents, liability to third parties leads to the accumulation of risks.

Virtually no insurance institution is able to financially support the complete loss of a modern aircraft with the full cumulation of insurance risk. These circumstances lead to attempts to distribute serious insurance risks in the international aviation insurance market in the form of reinsurance, reinsurance pools, co-insurance, with a tendency to limit the original insurer's own share of withholding liability.

Insurance pools operate both on the principles of coinsurance, both, and reinsurance. In co-insurance pools, participants transfer to the pool all risks of a certain type, for the insurance of which this association was created.

All risks transferred to the pool are divided in certain proportions between the participants, along with insurance premiums for them. The share that each member of the pool receives is determined as a fixed percentage, the so-called signature share.

The pool serves as joint risk insurance. Such a community is often composed of a large number of members and thus provides a better balance and distribution of risks. Each pool member participates in the risks covered by the pool based on a pro-rata scheme established from the outset. Such shares in a pool are expressed either as a percentage of the total capacity of the pool (for example, 5%), or in absolute shares (for example, 5 out of 100 shares), or, much less often, in fixed amounts.

In reinsurance pools, participants are engaged in primary insurance on their own, and excess risks are transferred to the pool for reinsurance.

By accepting their specific share, each member of the pool participates not only in the risks that he himself accepted or transferred to the pool, but also in all other risks contributed to the pool by other participants. This concept achieves three important goals:

a) the number of risks taken by each participant according to his share increases with the desired effect, and from the point of view of insurance, it is the desired increase in risks;

b) the composition of risks in the portfolio of each participant is improving;

c) a pool member cannot incur losses in excess of his share. The risk of cumulative risks is relatively easier to eliminate due to the fact that all risks are summarized and checked by the pool board.

The main bodies of the pool:

a) a meeting of the pool members;

b) the supervisory board of the pool;

c) the executive committee of the pool.

The meeting of participants - the highest governing body - usually has broader powers than, for example, a meeting of shareholders of a joint stock company. In many cases, the meeting of participants is empowered to select the supervisory board, set governance principles, determine maximum risk limits and the size of the pool's own retention, approve annual reports, justify actions of the executive committee and governing bodies, amend the charter of the pool, etc.

The supervisory board consists of members of the board of all companies included in the pool. He not only performs control functions as the supervisory board of the joint stock company, but also decides on reinsurance, tariffication and contract terms.

The pool management task is entrusted to a pool member, a professional reinsurance company or a special pool secretariat. One of its main tasks is the technical handling of the allocation of risks transferred to the pool. This society is a collection point for all risks transferred to the pool. The board's job is to distribute such risks, draw up and send out regular (usually quarterly) reports to pool members on matters related to the management of the risk transferred to the pool, help with claims settlement (especially in difficult cases) and take care of the pool's overall reinsurance policy.

Management costs are usually allocated to participants according to their shares in the pool.

Reinsurance contracts entered into by the pool at a common expense release the pool from risks that may exceed its capacity. To achieve and improve the balance, reinsurance contracts can be concluded with foreign pools operating in the same business area.

In most countries, insurance pools are limited in their activities by the rules of antitrust laws. For example, according to the regulation of the European Community, the creation of reinsurance pools is allowed provided that they control no more than 15% of the capacity of the corresponding risk.

In Russia, the formation and functioning of insurance navels is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the organization of insurance business in 1" Russian Federation "and regulatory acts of supervisory authorities, in particular the Regulation on the insurance pool, approved by order of Rosstrakhnadzor dated 03.31.96. No. 08-11r22" On the activities of insurance pools. ”The existing regulation on the insurance pool does not imply the formation of reinsurance pools, since reinsurance does not allow joint liability of insurers.

An insurance pool is created for a certain period for a specific type of insurance activity on the basis of an agreement between the participants. The agreement defines the following characteristics of the pool:

    the subject of his activity;

    types of insurance and property risks accepted by the pool for insurance;

    conditions, procedure for the conclusion and execution of insurance contracts concluded on behalf of the pool participants;

    mutual obligations of the participants and the procedure for interaction between them.

The agreement determines the financial participation of each member of the pool, uniform insurance rules and uniform rates, sets the maximum size of the pool's obligations, when concluding agreements on its behalf, and the share of responsibility of each pool member for the risks assumed.

The agreement defines the procedure and terms for mutual settlements between the pool members, policyholders and insurance intermediaries.

The activities of the insurance pool should be based on the following principles:

    creation of the most favorable insurance conditions for clients on the basis of uniform rules and rates of insurers - participants in the pool;

    conclusion of insurance contracts within the maximum amount of obligations established by the insurance pool agreement;

    accounting of incoming insurance premiums for the relevant types of insurance on separate sub-accounts or by means of analytical accounting - in accordance with the established procedure for mutual settlements between the pool participants;

    redistribution of insurance premiums received under insurance contracts concluded on behalf of the pool participants, according to their share in the risk accepted for insurance;

    joint liability of the pool participants for the fulfillment of obligations under insurance contracts concluded on behalf of the participants in the insurance pool.

The liability of pool members for the risks assumed should not exceed 10% of the value of their own assets.

If the insured risk exceeds the capabilities of the pool, then the excess must be reinsured in insurance organizations that are not members of the pool.

In the event of an insured event, the insurer who received an application from the policyholder is obliged to immediately notify other participants of the pool about this, providing documents confirming the fact and amount of damage.

The first pooling of insurers, created in England in 1919, was called the British Aviation Insurance Group. It united 24 groups of the Lloyd Corporation, as well as several other institutions. A large organization is the Nordishe Pool for Luftfart Fersikring, which covers 137 insurance institutions. In 1920, an aviation insurance pool was created in Germany.

There are two separate committees in the German pool;

    accident and liability insurance (classes A and B);

    for aircraft Casco insurance (class C).

In the 60s of the last century, due to the increase in the number of large-scale accidents and disasters caused by man-made factors, the construction and operation of nuclear power plants, the development of astronautics, certain prerequisites for the creation of various insurance pools appeared.

Pool committees determine the type of risks that should be covered in their class. They also determine the premiums, insurance conditions and the amount of commissions due to participating companies to cover their expenses, including commissions to agents and brokers.

The current affairs are decided by the pool board elected by the meeting. It also represents a pool abroad.

The only national voluntary reinsurance association of insurers in Russia - the Russian Anti-Terrorist Insurance Pool (RATSP) successfully, without government support, provides reinsurance services, develops relations with international specialized associations of member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). On the eve of the Moscow International Congress on Insurance and Reinsurance, Pula Chairman Alexander Gulchenko told how the organization works.

RATSP is 16 years old. The term is considerable. What is Poole today?

Alexander Gulchenko: RATSP is the only voluntary pool of insurers in Russia and the CIS. Among the leaders of the pool are such participants as RESO-Garantia, AlfaStrakhovanie, " VTB insurance", VSK," MAKS "," Consent "," Energogarant "," RSHB-Insurance "," Sberbank Insurance ". Community members are also reinsurance organizations: from Russia - RNPK, from Azerbaijan - AzRe, from Belarus - BNPO. The work is structured according to the scheme: one company - one vote, which gives all partners the opportunity to participate, regardless of their size and number of shareholders. financial situation and reputation. The Pool is operated by a Russian Industrial Insurance Broker.

We are constantly developing using the best domestic and foreign practices and insurance standards. For example, our members' damages are paid within 30 days. The pool works in the interests of the entire Russian insurance market. However, Ingosstrakh and Sogaz are not members of the national pool, therefore, they transfer risks mainly abroad.

The market for reinsurance of terrorism risks is limited, there are few players, RATSP occupies a significant market share in the Russian Federation, being the Russian center of competence for these risks. The best professionals - managers from each of the companies participating in the Pool are nominated for the Executive Committee and Supervisory Board of the Pool. The work is carried out systematically and professionally for the benefit of clients and the market.

What are Poole's capabilities?

Alexander Gulchenko: The total reinsurance capacity of the RATSP is 14.4 billion rubles. What does this mean? Such maximum amount in the event of a terrorist attack on the insured object, the client will receive. This is the largest anti-terrorist tank in the former USSR.

The total pool liability is growing steadily. From 2010 to the present, it has increased from 137 to 453 billion rubles. In total, about 3.5 trillion rubles of total financial liability was reinsured in Pula. The Russian insurance market needs a reliable national reinsurance capacity.

RATSP is an opportunity to reinsure risks in Russia. Not surprisingly, we receive dozens of calls from insurers every week. And in the current situation, the relevance of RATSP will only grow.

14.4 billion rubles - such a maximum amount in the event of a terrorist attack on an insured facility will be received by the client

What is the real contribution of insurance pools to cover terrorism risks?

Alexander Gulchenko:The role of pools is growing along with the changing landscape of the global economy. The presence of an insurance pool in the country provides wide coverage of catastrophic risks. Today pools are irreplaceable for any state because they have the necessary resources and practical experience in risk assessment.

How do you rate the interaction with the business?

Alexander Gulchenko:There is a trend in the world to attract private business to risk management. There is an explanation for this. Professional risk management develops comprehensive strategies for all key threats. As a result, government spending on the prevention and prevention of terrorist attacks becomes more rational, and the economic and physical damage caused by disasters decreases. Look at the distribution of payments after 9/11 in the United States and Hurricane Sandy. 11 years passed between the events. During this time, the structure of payments has changed radically.

If for the terrorist attack 49% of the damage was paid by foreign reinsurers, 36% - by insurance companies and 15% - by local reinsurers, then after Hurricane Sandy the distribution of payments looked like this: 42% - insurance companies, 17% - foreign reinsurers, 11% - local reinsurers, and 30% - insurance pools!

Is it taken into account in the work of Poole overseas experience terrorism insurance?

Alexander Gulchenko:Over the past three years, the situation with terrorism in Europe has escalated. We are in constant communication with all pools of the world, we receive up-to-date information.

Representatives of 12 foreign anti-terrorist insurance pools came up with a proposal to hold consultations and a conference in Moscow in 2018.

Is it possible to fully assess the damage from a terrorist attack?

Alexander Gulchenko: Indeed, the consequences of a terrorist attack are not limited only to financial costs, they are loss of jobs, and a decrease in tax revenues, and collateral damage. Judge for yourself. After the September 11 terrorist attack, the United States lost 17,000 jobs and lost $ 2.5-2.9 billion in taxes. For Wall Street, this attack cost $ 20 billion in losses. The US defense budget was increased by a third from 2001 to 2003.

The tourism sector is experiencing the greatest consequences of the terrorist attack. For example, in France it is 7% of GDP and 2 million jobs. After the terrorist attack in Paris, and it was he who suffered the most, the damage amounted to about 12 billion euros. The July 7 terrorist attack in the UK reduced tourism revenues by 750 million pounds. In Brussels, after the terrorist attack on March 22, 2000 flights were canceled and 40% of people refused their booked rooms. According to Global Insight, the damage from the terrorist attack in Brussels was $ 350 billion.

Therefore, I do not recommend that businesses lower their limits on terrorism risks. You shouldn't enter your internal limits less than sum insured in the contract. Find out if the insurer is a member of the RATSP, otherwise there is a risk of simply not receiving payment in full and on time.

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