The role of the state and trade unions in the labor market. Human capital. Financial institutions: mutual and pension funds, insurance companies The role of trade unions in the development of the labor market

Chairman MO

Javrina G.I.

"____" _____________ 20 ___ g.


Deputy. Director of UPR

Samgalin Z.F.

"____" _____________ 20 ___ g.

Lesson plan № 68

Section 3 (3):GDP, its structure and dynamics. The labor market and unemployment. Money, banks, inflation.

Theme lesson:The role of trade unions and states in the labor market

Objectives lesson:


    formation of the concepts of "labor force", "labor market", "wages", "trade union";

    teaching methods and sequences of the trade union movement in the world and in Russia;

    expanding knowledge of trade unions to protect labor rights, the principles of its construction and operation;

    expanding knowledge about the trade union of the GBOU NGO PL № 76;

    the formation of an understanding of his role in the process of future labor relations, an important role of trade unions to protect their rights and interests.


    the development of cognitive activity on the basic principles of the labor market;

    development of communication in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills using various sources of information and modern information sources.


    upbringing emotional responsiveness, interest in the subject;

    education of consciousness and activity in training;

    education of the culture of collective communication


    activation of cognitive and analytical activities of students by including them into practical activities

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

Method of conducting:

    Story - conversation.

    Presentation, partly - search, analytical.

Interdimensional connections: Basics of law, history

Equipment of the lesson: Interactive Board, Constitution, Labor Code, Federal Law on Trade Unions.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment:1 -2 min.

Greeting, checking the readiness of students to the lesson, report on the duty officer about the appearance


2 . The introductory word of the teacher.2 - 3 min

Message Topics lesson and explanation of the lesson goals.

3. Actualization of reference knowledge.3 - 5 min.

    Frontal survey;

    Individual student responses .

4. Study of the new material. 23 - 25 min

    1. Story about the workforce, labor market, wage, about the emergence of the first trade unions in the world and in Russia.

      Story about the most important tasks of the trade union and the role of the state.

      Demonstration of the slide show "20 years of the International Eurasian Metalist Federation"

5. Material assimilation control5 - 7 min.

    What are the causes and conditions for the emergence of trade unions?

    List the most important tasks of trade unions?

    What role does the state perform in the trade unions?

    What legal documents are the basis of trade unions?

    Was the emergence of trade unions inevitable?

6. Summing up the lesson. 2 - 3 min


    Task for the house: A.G. Privacy "Social Studies" for professions and specialties of technical, naturally - scientific, humanitarian profiles ", M., 2012, IC" Academy ", p. 198 - 204

    Prepare a message on the topic: "Capital", "Money", "Percentage".

    Hello guys!!!

    Duty report on readiness for lesson: "C. EGS-5 on social studies lesson is ready to list 24 people. Missing ... .. by illness ... .. F.I. (I celebrate sitting).

    We open the notebooks record today and theme lesson.

    01/31/2014 Our lyceum took place on the new GEF. The labor market was replenished: cooks, hairdressers and locksmiths Kip and A. which 3 years ago in accordance with Art. 43 The Constitution of the Russian Federation (which states that everyone has the right to free education) chose a profession and learned in accordance with Art. 37 The Constitution of the Russian Federation (which states it is that everyone has the right to choose a gene and profession), will realize their right to work in our legal state. Being our students entered the professional Union of Machine Builders. In order to get acquainted with the preferences from the Lycent Bench, which provides the trade union speaking on the side of the future employee. In accordance with those who have been said formulating the topic of our current lesson. Today, at the lesson, we will consider the concepts of "union", "labor market", "labor force" and "wages".

    To do this, let us remember what we talked about in past lessons. Who will say to me:

    what is the Constitution? (Answers ___________________________)

    What is the state? (Answers ____________________________)

    What is work? (Answers _____________________________)

    What is the demand for work? (Answers ___________________________)

    Who will list the main factors that determine the demand for work (___)

    What do you think, what is the proposal of labor?

(Answers ______________________________)

    Who will list the main factors determining the proposal of labor (responding to ___________________________________)


Each person in the process of his life comes with other people in various economic relations, mainly by the role of the buyer. If a person does not make a material benefit that can be exchanged for other material benefits, he can sell its work in the market in the market.

Work force - human ability to work, i.e. Physical and mental capabilities, as well as skills, allowing a person to perform certain types of work, while ensuring the amount and quality of products.

For trade in labor, there is a special market - the labor market.

Labor market - the scope of the formation of supply and supply of labor. The sale of labor is carried out through it. Only labor services are sold and buying in this market, and not the individual itself.

Thus, the labor market connects people who want to sell their employment services, and organizations that want to buy these services to carry out their activities. The labor market can be defined as a place where employers and workers agree on the conditions of hiring, wages, social payments, working conditions, etc.

The seller's circle on the labor market is extremely diverse. It includes and cNC machines adjustments, hired for adjustment of complex equipment in which there are many electronics and electrical engineering, and welder, Hired for a reliable connection of metal elements during repair, manufacture of parts instead damaged, as well as when creating new metal products, and cookreceiving money for cooking, in catering establishments, for the necessary customer of events, and hairdresser, Which pay money for creating a man's style with a hairstyle.

All of them offer their employment services in the labor market in the hope of obtaining a workplace, where they will pay for the use of these services. This fee is called wages.

Wage - This is a cash reward for work.

But all the success of sales is different: someone finds a place without problems, and one for months is worn without work, someone gets incomes for their work, allowing to live in luxury,and someone barely grabs earnings to feed the family. For the reasons for such differences, we will understand, analyzing the work of the labor market.

Participants in the labor market workers and employers have always conflicted among themselves. Buyer, i.e. The employer is interested in buying labor at a low price, and employees on the contrary, are interested in selling their work at a higher price.

Each party, defending his interests, uses various methods, so here is an important role in the labor market playunions.

Professional Union (trade union) - This is a voluntary public association of workers who are not dependent on government agencies and an employer, created to protect the social and economic interests of employees of the enterprise.

Now I will be presented with the message of the student Rashitov Arthur about the emergence of the trade union movement in the world, listen carefully and be prepared to subsequently answer questions.

And now we will hear a report on the trade union movement in Russia, which prepared us a student of Demarov Alexei.

And now I want to tell you about the trade union movement of our educational institution.

Our educational institution is part of the "Union of Machine Builders". At the end of September of each academic year, the event "The Day of Machine Builders" is held in the Lyceum, in accordance with this, the solemn line "Dedication to Lyceumists" is held, on which they are awarded trade union scholarships Especially distinguished in studies and public life lyceum student. In September 2013, professional scholarships were awarded a student that you know this well:

    Markin Artem;

    Hybakov Aidar;

    Tagirov Ruslan;

    Denen Sasha;

    Orgzykova Nastya;

    Shhayakhmetova Lena;

    Faisullina Alia;

Our students and masters visited the International Youth Forum dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the International Eurasian Metalist Federation, which took place on December 8 in the Sports Complex "Dynamo" in Ufa. This event was organized for the first time.

The forum was raised problems that exciting young people: a low level of wages, the inability to acquire housing, the lack of qualified personnel and many others.

Each participant had the opportunity to ask questions to representatives of the RB ministries and get answers.

Then presentation.

Since this forum had great international importance, it was covered in the media, such as Metalist newspaper and the Action newspaper.

The most important tasks that trade unions set themselves are as follows:

- Improving working conditions and ensuring its safety. Constant care of trade unions is a decrease in the risk of death in production or injury.If you have heard that in July 2013, a 26-year-old resident of Bashkortostan Tuymazy died in the workplace, a few kilometers from Volchansk (the city in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine). The management of the enterprise flatly refuses to comment on the happening, the only thing that was able to find out about the personality of the deceased - he was visiting, worked as a Watch method at a private enterprise LLC Smi-4, which was engaged in the construction and repair of main gas oil pipelines. According to the investigative committee, the young man during the fulfillment of work, was mortally injured by the gas pipe pressed it, which workers mounted. According to the state inspector for labor protection under the administration of the city, the fact that this section of the construction of the gas police was not provided with any telephone connection, one can already be considered a violation of the rules and safety regulations.

- Wage raising.

It is not a secret for anyone that the wages of many workers hold on or slightly above the subsistence minimum. The working population does not live a full-fledged life, but survives. Trade unions to increase wages, act as the only representative of its members in solving with employers of payment. The logic of the trade union is simple: either all its members will receive a higher salary, or strike.

in the United States, Fastfud Employees have announced 24 hour strikes, they require an increase in them for a minimum of two, now they receive 7.5 dollars / per hour according to the standard established in 2009. The organizers expect that at least 100 cities across the United States will participate in this strike. This company is billionaire. Let a little share with us, "said the 23-year-old worker Burger King. The girl said that she was working for a 16-20 hours a week, but she was not enough for her daughter's maintenance.

But in Spain, the strike of Madrid garbagers, who lasted 13 days, ended the victory of the trade union: municipal companies had to make concessions. Protest Protest workers began in disagreement with employers' plans to dismiss 1,000 employees, and the remaining 5 thousand wipers to reduce wages.

- Receiving additional payments

The employee has the right to material assistance in cases of severe life circumstances, protection in the investigation of accidents in the production and occupational diseases, on compensation for damage caused by their health care (at work);

- Working time and rest time;

In many modern organizations, such a work is established when employees are forced to work at 10, or even at 12 o'clock no weekend, no vacations. And businessmen-entrepreneurs simply use people and after one to two years they dismiss them from an organization with undermined health and without livelihood.

- Pension provision;

Leaving retirement, any worker is automatically discarded by the so-called feature of poverty and is forced to go to work again to live more or less adequate, help children and grandchildren. Because you can only exist on our pensions, not to mention the time to rest somewhere. Yes, the government periodically increases the size of pensions, but even faster there is a price increase for various goods and utility payments. I will give you an example from the life of our employee of the Master P / O. There were problems when making a retirement pension (this is a professional experience, giving the right to a pension, regardless of age and not depending on the achievement of the age-established age, we have a pedagogical experience of 25 years). Interests in court defended Dashkin Ruslan Ravilievich, who is a lawyer The republican trade union of machine builders and the result of the court session was positive. To persons having a preferential pension include: federal civil servants; servicemen; Professional rescuers; persons working with convicts; Persons who carried out pedagogical activities.

- fines on the workers imposed by the administration of enterprises for various violations;

Promising high salary, merchants - entrepreneurs at the same time, reduce it, imposing various fines for any even minor violations

The employee must understand that if he is not a member of the trade union, he deprives yourself of the above help of the trade union, worries himself always stay one on one with an employer .

Based on, from all of the above, you can allocate the main goal of the activities of trade unions

The main goal of trade unions - Protection of the economic and social interests of workers.

The state plays a special role in the activities of trade unions, it becomes an intermediary between employers and trade unions. Thanks to the working movement and public mediation, it was possible to adopt laws that limit the maximum duration of the working day establishing the minimum level of salary, improving working conditions, pension provision, etc. The state ensures compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of employees of enterprises, provides them with support, legally regulates the provision of tax and other benefits and advantages.

The main role of the state in the field of labor is expressed by the use

legal documents. In our country, legal foundations of trade union activities are:

  1. Constitution. (Articles 30, 37)

Which says that Each has the right to freely dispose of its work abilities, choose a profession, the right to remuneration for work without any discrimination, the right to work in the conditions corresponding to the requirements of security and hygiene, the right to defense against unemployment, the right to rest.

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Chapter 58 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to the protection of labor rights and legitimate interests of workers by professional unions.

    Federal Law "On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of Activities"

The federal law describes the basic rights of trade unions, the right to unite into trade unions, guarantees of trade union rights, trade union independence, protection of trade union rights and trade union responsibility.

After graduating, you will get a job. Almost at each enterprise is a large or small primary trade union organizations, whose members can be at a voluntary basis. I advise you when you find out how to find out if you have a primary trade union organization at this enterprise. If there is, I advise you to write a statement and join it. With any labor disputes, trade unions arising between the employer and employee are on the side of the workers in defense of the labor collective. They are the guarantor of the laws of the laws recorded by the state.

In today's lesson, we learned what workforce, the labor market, wages, a professional union, disassembled the most important tasks that trade unions have been told about the role of the state in the application of labor, considered legal documents to be based on trade unions and Workers. And now to consolidate the topic covered, will reply to the following questions:

Question 1. What is the condition for the emergence of trade unions?

The most important condition is independence, primarily from power. The attitude of our trade unions with the authorities in various historical periods was changed in the root.

Replies __________________________________

Question 2. List the most important tasks of trade unions?

The most important tasks that trade unions set themselves are as follows:

- Improving working conditions and ensuring its safety.

Wage raising.

Receiving additional payments and benefits

Replies ____________________________

Working time and rest time;

Pension provision;

- fines on the workers imposed by the administration of enterprises for various violations;

Complements ___________________________________

Question 3. What role does the state perform in trade unions?

Intermediary because The state becomes an intermediary between employers and trade unions. Thanks to the working motion and public mediation, it was possible to adopt laws that limit the maximum duration of the working day establishing the minimum permissible salary level, unemployment benefits, pension provision, etc.

Question 4. What legal documents are the basis of trade unions?

    Constitution of the Russian Federation,

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation,

    Federal Law "" On Professional Unions, Rights and Guarantees of Activities "

Replies _________________________________

Question 5. Was the emergence of trade unions inevitable?

Yes, because If there were no trade unions, there would be constant contradictions between labor and capital, without the trade union every worker would regulate labor relations with the authorities with the help of physical strength, or all workers would be driven into slavery. The trade union protects the rights of workers

Replies _________________________________

So our lesson approached the completion, summarize today's lesson (estimates). And now the most active students who distinguished themselves in today's lesson, I want to hand from the Union of Machine Builders of Memo. Here guys calendar for 2014, telephones of specialists of the Republican Committee on which you, your parents or your friends can contact and get advice.

In the market economy, the central place occupies determination of the essence of the market and its species.

Definition 1.

V.Ya. Iochin noted that market - This is a system of economic relations between the seller and the buyer of certain goods and services, a peculiar form of communication between the parties to exchange, which leads to the fastener of the rinse prices for the exchange object and, as a result, changes its owner.

Distinguish such types of markets:

  • raw markets;
  • finished products;
  • materials;
  • fuel;
  • housing;
  • design work;
  • scientific research;
  • services;
  • valuable papers;
  • investment;
  • money.

Among all markets is the leading place labor market.

The labor market belongs to production factors markets. The tasks of this market are the sale and purchase of labor services, which consist of using the mental and physical abilities of people, their skills and experience, which leads to the production of economic benefits.

Note 1.

The most important rule in setting wages for employers was to keep it on as low as possible. Employees adhered to an absolutely opposite point of view.

Based on this, such conflict is observed at the market level. As a result, each side defends its interests using various methods. For the workers, the most common is the building of trade unions, which unite employees of pre-benefits, a certain profession, any industry.

Figure 1. Increased demand for labor (a); Limit of labor supply (b)

The history of the emergence and the concept of trade unions

In the labor market, the leading role is played unions.

IN AND. Nosach allocated that the first trade unions arose at the end of $ XVIII $ c. In Great Britain. Then, they began to appear in the USA, France, Germany and other countries as the economic and political prerequisites ripening. At $ 1960, the GG occurred by the peak of the trade union movement in most states. The number of trade union members began steadily declining at the beginning of $ 80 $ -s.

At $ 1970, the global coverage of the workers of the trade union movement was $ 29 \\% $ for the private sector. By the beginning of $ xxi $ c. The global figure fell below $ 13 \\% $.

The causes of the crisis of the trade union movement are:

  • employment growth in small bi znesie;
  • rapid change in the ethnic composition of labor layers;
  • decay of old industries;
  • wide distribution of non-standard employment forms.

We concluded that the main goals of the trade union movement were already achieved: $ 8 $-hour working day, $ 40-hour working week, employees are guaranteed the minimum wage, the existences are also widely used.

But, despite the achievement of all goals, trade unions are strong enough in the US public sector, the European Trade Union Confederation is strengthened, which unites $ 78 $ national confederations of trade unions.

The trade unions began to be created at $ 1905 G. and in Russia, and by early $ 1907. They were numbered more than $ 650 $, the number of which was more than $ 240 thousand people.

By October $ 1917, more than $ 2 $ thousand trade unions were created, which covered more than $ 2 $ million workers. At $ 1918, a single country union was formed. After the October Revolution, domestic trade unions were transformed into social divisions administration of enterprises.

Shandor Gaspar said that at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union in the trade union consisted of $ 60 $ million.

Note 2.

Today, this organization has about $ 39 $ million. Based on this, we can talk about the crisis of the trade union movement. Speaking about the definition of trade unions it is worth noting that it is an association of workers who have the right to negotiate with an entrepreneur on behalf of and on behalf of their members.

From the functioning of trade unions, which are the major independent institution of society depends on the formation of market relations, the development of economic democracy, the formation of a social state.

Note 3.

The development of theoretical issues of the trade union movement was noted in the works of G.P. Alekseeva, M.V. Baghala, Yu.E. Volkova, N.N. Gritsenko, V.A. Kaeikina, V.N. Kiseleva, V.E. Mozhaeva, O.V. Romashova, V.G. Smolkova, S.N. Shcheglova.

In their opinion, the main functions of trade unions are:

  1. social protection;
  2. social partnership;
  3. occupational Safety and Health;
  4. cold process;
  5. organizational-mass activities.

The leading tasks of the trade union are:

  • improvement of working conditions;
  • maximizing the salary of their members;
  • obtaining additional payments and benefits.

Effect of trade unions in the labor market

Trade unions on the competitive market are ambiguous: they strive to increase demand for labor or to limit the supply of labor. By increasing demand for the product, the demand for work increases. It can be advertising, political lobby.

The growth of efficiency and quality of labor has no less important to increase demand for labor.

If the demand for the product increases, then the demand curve shifts up. If the curve will have a positive tilt, this will lead to an increase in employment, and therefore to an increase in salary. The success of the trade union activities depends on the degree of elasticity of the curve. It comes from here that the less elastic proposal curve, the more salary will increase, and employment remains minimal. However, the more elastic proposal curve, and the less salary will increase, the more population employment increases.

If you restrict sentences, the salary growth is guaranteed.

There are several ways to achieve wages:

  • the inclusion of this specialty into the list of licensed professions;
  • detection of immigration of foreign workers.
  • prohibition or reduction of overtime;
  • reduction of the working week;
  • reduced retirement age.

The proposal curve is shifted to the left, which leads to a reduction in the number of employment, and this leads to an increase in their salary. And again, the less elastic demand curve for labor, the higher the level of salary in the reduction of employed. The more elastic demand curve for labor and the less growth of salaries, the more significant the unemployment will increase.

However, it is quite difficult to increase the demand for the work of the trade unions, because of the inability to have particularly great opportunities for the influence of the markets of goods, and the demand for the labor market is already coming.

Note 4.

But, despite the large number of barriers, there is a way to resolve this problem. Trade unions argue the restriction of importation into the country of imported goods.

This is explained by the fact that if imports are declining, the demand for deception-other goods will increase, as a result, the conditions for the growth of numbers and salaries in the domestic labor market are improved.

As not strange, such a position leads to a weakening of competition in the domestic market, as a result, the quality of products is reduced, then the juice of the opportunity to sell it to other countries, which means that the demand for work is completely disappeared.

Ministry of Education and Science


Kokshetau State University

THEM. Sh. Sh.ualikhanov


department of Finance


By discipline: "Economic theory"

on the topic: "Trade unions in the labor market"


student of the FR-12-2010 group

full-time compartment

Golovchenko S. N.


master of Economics

senior Lecturer

Ahmedyar E. A.

Kokshetau 2010.



1.1 The emergence of trade unions

1.2 The concept of trade unions. Their tasks and functions

1.3 Some problems of the trade union movement at the present stage

2.1 Demand and supply in the labor market. The concepts of elasticity and inelasticity of supply and demand

2.2. Elasticity of the supply of labor depending on the scale of the economic system under consideration

2.3. Closed (workshop) Trade Unionism

2.4. Monopoly (Open) Trade Unionism


List of sources used


Chapter 1 History of the emergence, essence and problems of trade unions at the present stage

Trade unions (Trade Unions) - voluntary professional associations of workers, created in order to protect the economic interests of workers (first of all, improving labor conditions and increase wages).

1.1 The emergence of the trade union movement.

As the capitalist society is formed, new main socio-economic classes have appeared - entrepreneurs (capitalists) and employees. The relationship between workers and employers initially generated conflicts. The fact is that in the Epoch of Early Capitalism, one of the main methods of increasing the income of entrepreneurs was the tightening of the requirements for employees: the extension of the working day, reducing the rules of remuneration, fines, savings on labor protection, dismissal. The aggravation of the relationship between employees and employers often led to natural speeches - the workers left the enterprise and refused to start work again until their requirements were satisfied at least partially. But this tactic could be successful, only if the protest was not separate dissatisfied, but large groups of workers.

It is quite natural that for the first time the trade unions arose during the years of the industrial revolution in the most industrialized country of the world - England. The trade union movement in this country demonstrates the general patterns of its development, which later manifested themselves in other countries.

The first associations of workers had strictly local character and united only highly qualified workers of the most advanced industries. So, one of the very first English threads-unions are considered to be created in the 1792 Union of Spinners Lancashir. As for unqualified workers, the high unemployment did them easily replace themselves, so at first they could not resist the arbitrariness of the employers, and therefore remained beyond the trade union movement.

And entrepreneurs, and protecting their interests The state originally showed intolerance to trade unions. To combat them, special laws prohibiting working alliances and imposing criminal liability for membership in "conspiratorship organizations" were introduced. In 1799-1800, legislative acts were adopted in England, who declared workers' meetings illegal and imposed a ban on demonstrations. However, these laws could not be pacified by workers, but, on the contrary, stimulated them to unite in the struggle for their rights. Therefore, already in 1824, anti-European legislation in England was canceled, the actual legalization of Treads-Unions occurred.

Tred-Unionism quickly became a massive movement. Numerous local trade union organizations began to establish connections with each other in order to share experiences and organize joint actions. In 1834, on the initiative of Robert Owen, the Grand National Consolidated Trade Union was formed, but this organization was unstable. However, in 1868, the movement towards the consolidation of English trade unions was completed by the formation of the Congress of the Treads-Union (Trades Union Congress), which since then until this day is the central coordinating body of the UK trade union movement.

The trade union movement was originally purely male, women were not accepted into trade unions. Entrepreneurs have not been used without success: using the latest developments in the field of technology that simplify the labor of the employee, employers sought to replace workers' men on women as cheaper and less organized labor, attracting them as stragbreers. Since the right of women to work was not recognized even by their own male colleagues, women of England had to create their own professional organizations. The most massive of them, "Society for the protection and protection of women" (subsequently, who became a women's trade union league), could organize about 40 trade union offices for women workers in 1874-1886. Only at the beginning of the 20th century. In England, the merging of men's and women's trade unions occurred. But today in England, as in other countries, the share of members of trade unions among women workers is noticeably lower than among men 'employees.

At the same time, other significant changes in the English trade unions were observed - new Treads Annions arose (NEW TRADE UNIONS). The first major new threads-unions (the Union of the Gas Industry Union, the Union of Dockers) were founded in 1889. Previously, the existing trade unions were built on a narrow-profesional (shop) basis, i.e. We combined only workers of one profession. New trade unions began to be based on a manufacturing (sectoral) basis - their staff included workers of various professions, but belonging to the same industry. In addition, the members of these trade unions for the first time took not only highly skilled workers, but also unqualified. Under the influence of new threads, unqualified workers began to take into the old Treads-Unions. Gradually, new membership principles became generally accepted, and by the beginning of the 20th century. The difference between new threads-unions and older is largely erased.

At the beginning of the 20th century Professional unions of England united more than half of all workers countries (in 1920 - about 60%). Such a high organizedness of the trade union movement for a long time made his influential participant in the country's political and economic life.

The formation and development of the trade union movement in different countries occurred in general in the English pattern, but with delay and different pace. For example, in the US, the first National Worker Union, Knights of Labor (Knights of Labor), arose in 1869, but by the end of 19 century. He fell into decay, and the largest national working organization was founded in 1881 the American Federation of Labor, AFT (American Federation of Labor, AFL). In 1955, it merged with the Congress of production trade unions, the CPP (Congress of Industrial Organization, CIO), since then this leading trade union organization of the United States is called AFT-CAT. The resistance of entrepreneurs of trade unions was very long in this country. So, in the 1920-1930th, the National Association of Industrialists insisted on the introduction of the contracts of the "yellow dog", under the conditions of which the workers should not have joined the trade unions. To weaken the cohesion of the workers integrated into the trade union movement, American entrepreneurs went to them for additional concessions - for example, used to participate in the enterprise's profits. Intolerance to the trade unions was replaced by their recognition only under the "new course" F.D. D.Rovselt: adopted in 1935 National Law on Labor Relations (Wagner Law) demanded from employers a mandatory conclusion of collective agreements with a trade union, representing most employees.

If in England and the United States, trade unions, as a rule, put forward purely economic requirements and were emphasized from radical (revolutionary) political parties, then in other developed countries, the trade union movement of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. It turned out to be more politicized and revolutionary. In some countries (France, Italy, Spain), trade unions fell under the strong influence of Anarcho-Syndicalists, in others (Germany, Austria, Sweden) - under the influence of social democrats. The commitment of "continental" trade unions left the process of their legalization to the left ideas. In France, the right to organize workers alliances was officially recognized only in the 1930s. In Germany, the Hitler's regime destroyed trade unions, they were restored only after World War II.

In the second half of the 20th century. The revolutionary period of development of trade unions finally ended, the ideology of social partnership won. The trade unions refused violations of the social world in exchange for recognition of trade union and state social guarantees.

"The situation" of relations between trade unions and entrepreneurs found the most vivid expression in the Japanese trade union movement. Since in Japan, for working great importance, it is believed to firm, and not a genus of classes, then trade unions are built in this country not by profession, but by firms. This means that the workers of different specialties are combined into the "branded" trade union with the managers of their company than with colleagues by profession from other firms. The trade union activists themselves receive a fee from the management of the company. As a result, at the Japanese enterprises of the relationship between trade unions and managers are much more friendly than on European-type firms. However, along with the "Major" in Japan, there are also sectoral trade unions of the European type, but more small.

In the 2nd half of the 20th century, as industrialization is deployed in the developing countries of Asia and Africa, the trade union movement began to actively develop on the periphery of the world economy. However, even today, the trade unions of the "Third World" countries remain, as a rule, small and unhapping. The rise of trade unions is observed mainly in new industrialized countries (South Korea, Brazil).

1.2 Functions of trade unions.

The origins of the development of trade unions are associated with the asymmetry of the real rights of individual hired workers and entrepreneurs. If the worker refuses the conditions proposed by the entrepreneur, he risks to be dismissed and become unemployed. If the entrepreneur refuses the officials of the employee, he can dismiss him and hire a new one, without having lost anything. In order to achieve some equalization of real rights, the worker should be able to enlist the support of colleagues to work in a conflict situation. The entrepreneur does not need to respond to separate performances and protests of workers. But when the workers are combined and the production threatens the mass simple, the employer is forced not only to listen to the requirements of workers, but somehow they will react on them. Thus, the trade union gave the work of the workers that the power they were deprived of, acting a single way. Therefore, one of the main requirements of trade unions was the transition from individual labor agreements to the team entrepreneur collective agreements with a trade union speaking on behalf of all its members.

Over time, trade union functions have somewhat modified. Nowadays, trade unions have an impact not only on the employers, but also on the financial and legislative policies of the government. Modern scientists dealing with the problems of trade unions, allocate their two basic functions - protective (the relationship "Trade Union - entrepreneurs") and the representative (relationship "Trade Union - State"). Some economists add to these two more and the third function, economic - care to increase production efficiency.

The protective function is most traditional, it is directly related to the socio-labor rights of workers. It is not only about the prevention of violations by entrepreneurs of labor rights of workers, but also on the restoration of already violated rights. By equalizing the positions of the workers and the employer, the trade union protects the hired employee from the arbitrariness of the employer.

The strongest tool of the trade union struggle for a long time strikes were. The presence of trade unions at first practically was practically connected with the frequency and organization of strikes that remained spontaneous phenomenon. The situation has radically changed after the First World War, when the strikes of the union workers became the main tool for their struggle for their rights. This was the demonstration of this, for example, a nationwide universal strike in May 1926, headed by the Congress of Tred-Unions, which covered all the leading industries of the UK economy.

It should be noted that in the struggle for the interests of its members, trade unions often show indifference to the interests of other workers who are not in trade unions. Thus, in the United States, trade unions are actively struggling for limiting migration, since foreign workers "interrupt" work from indigenous Americans. Another trade union practiced method for limiting the supply of labor is the requirements of strictly license many activities. As a result, trade unions provide their members a higher salary than not in the trade unions (in the United States - by 20-30%), but this winnings, as some economists consider, is largely achieved by worsening remuneration of non-union.

In recent decades, the understanding of the protective function of trade unions has changed somewhat. If earlier the main task of the trade unions considered increased payment and working conditions, today their main practical task is to prevent increase the level of unemployment and increase employment. This means a shift of priorities from the protection of the wage labor already working to protect the interests of all persons.

As the RF, the trade unions seek to influence not only salary and employment, as was originally, but also on working conditions related to the operation of new equipment. Thus, on the initiative of the Swedish confederation of trade unions in the 1990s, the standards of computer equipment based on the requirements of ergonomics, which rigidly regulate the level of electromagnetic radiation and noise, image quality on the monitor, began to implement.

The function of representation is associated with defending the interests of workers not at the company level, but in state and public bodies. The purpose of the representation is to create additional (compared to existing) benefits and services (social services, social security, additional health insurance, etc.). Trade unions may represent the interests of employees, participating in the elections of state authorities and local governments, speaking with proposals for the adoption of laws relating to the socio-labor sphere, participating in the development of public policies and government programs in the field of employment promotion, taking part in the development of government programs labor protection, etc.

In addition to political struggle, trade unions are actively engaged in lobbism - they protect first of all those solutions that increase the demand for workers produced by workers and, thereby, the demand for labor. Thus, American trade unions always actively advocated protectionism - restrictions on the import of foreign goods in the United States.

For the implementation of representative functions, trade unions support close ties with political parties. Then, the English trade unions were taken, which in 1900 created their own political party - the Committee of Working Representation, from 1906 - Labor Party (in Translated - Labor Part). Trade unions directly finance this batch. A similar situation is observed in Sweden, where the Swedish confederation of trade unions is associated with the political primordination of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, which combines the overwhelming majority of employees. In most countries, however, the trade union movement is divided into associations with various political orientation. For example, in Germany, along with cooperation-oriented with social democrats, the association of German trade unions (9 million people) there is a smaller association of Christian trade unions (0.3 million people), close to Christian democrats.

In the conditions of exacerbation of competition, the trade unions began to realize that the welfare of employees depends not only on confrontation with entrepreneurs, but also on the growth of labor efficiency. Therefore, modern trade union organizations almost do not resort to strikes, actively participate in improving the professional training of their members and improving the production itself. Studies of American economists prove that in most industries, members of trade unions demonstrate higher performance (by about 20-30%).

1.3 Some problems of the trade union movement at the present stage.

If the first half of the 20th century. became an apogee of the trade union movement, then in his second half it entered the strip of crisis.

The bright manifestation of the modern crisis of the trade union movement is the reduction in most developed countries the share of workers belonging to trade unions. In the US, the unionization coefficient (the degree of coverage of the trade union movement) fell from 34% in 1954 to 13% in 2002 (see Table 1), in Japan - from 35% in 1970 to 22% in 2000. Rarely in which country ( One of the exceptions is Sweden) trade unions unite more than half of the employees. The global coverage of the laboring of the trade union movement in 1970 was 29% for the private sector, and at the beginning of 21 c. Fell below 13% (approximately 160 million members of trade unions by 13 billion employees).

The reasons for reducing the popularity of trade unions lie both in external, non-trade union phenomena, and in the internal characteristics of the trade unions themselves.

Scientists allocate three main external factor, opposing the development of trade unions in the modern era.

1. Increasing international competition due to economic globalization.

As the International Labor Market is found to competitors, workers from developed countries of the world become not only their unemployed compatriots, but also the mass of workers from the less developed countries of the world. This group of people, possessing about the same set of knowledge, is ready to perform the same amount of work for a noticeable less wage. Therefore, many firms of the Golden Billion countries are widely used by workers' and migrant workers (often illegal), or generally transfer their activities to the third world countries, where trade unions are very weak.

2. decay in the Epoch of the old industries.

The trade union movement for a long time was based on the labor solidarity of the employees of traditional industries (metallurgists, miners, dockers, etc.). However, as RTR is deployed, structural shifts occur - the share of industrial employment is reduced, but it grows employment in the service sector.

From the hired workers of the service sector for membership in trade unions, almost exclusively "blue collars" (workers with relatively low qualifications) are striving, while "white" and "gold collars" (highly qualified workers) are seen in the trade unions not defenders of their rights, but conductors Forced equalization. The fact is that in new industries, labor is usually more individualized, so employees seek not so much to create a "unified front" in the struggle for their rights, how much to increase their personal qualifications and, thereby, value in the eyes of employers. Therefore, although trade unions also arise in new industries, they are usually small and less active than trade unions of old industries. Thus, in the United States in 2000 in the industries, construction, transport and communications, the share of trade union members ranged from 10 to 24% of the number of employed, and in the field of commercial services - less than 5% (Table 2).

3. Strengthening the influence of liberal ideology on the activities of the governments of developed countries.

In the second half of the 20th century, as the popularity of the ideas of neoclassical economic theory increases, the relationship between the government and the working movement began to deteriorate. This trend in the UK and the United States is especially noticeable. Governments of these countries in the last decades of the 20th century. Conducted a targeted policy of encouraging competition aimed at reducing the impact of trade unions and restricting the sphere of their activities.

In the UK, the government M.Tetcher sharply had a negative impact against the activities of trade unions aimed at raising wages, as it raised the value of British goods and made them less competitive in the international market. In addition to this, labor agreements, according to conservatives, have lowered competition in the labor market, not allowing to dismiss workers depending on the market conjuncture. The laws adopted in the early 1980s prohibited political strikes, strikes of solidarity, the picketing of the supplier of an entrepreneur, complicated the procedure of active actions (an obligatory advanced secret ballot was introduced to all members of the trade union on issues of protest). In addition, some categories of civil servants are generally prohibited to be members of trade unions. As a result of these sanctions, the share of members of trade unions among the works of the United Kingdom fell to 37.5% in 1991 and 28.8% in 2001.

Even worse there was a situation with trade unions in the United States. The working series of industries with traditionally strong trade union movement (steel, automotive, transport industry) were forced to agree to lower the salary. Several strikes suffered a crushing collapse (the most vivid example is the acceleration of the Aviation Festival Traffic In the 1980s, with R. Weregan). The result of these events was a sharp decrease in the number of workers who want to be members of trade unions, which were not able to fulfill their functions.

In addition to the external reasons listed, the internal factors affect the crisis of the trade union movement - modern workers do not seek membership in trade unions due to some features of the trade unions themselves.

Over the past half a century, the legal unions "have increased" into the existing system, oburocracted and in many cases were taken separately from the working position. Permanent staff, bureaucratic procedures are increasingly removing trade union "bosses" from ordinary workers. Not being, as before, smoking with workers, trade unions cease to navigate in those problems that actually worry their members. Moreover, as E. Hidden notes: "The activities and views of trade union leaders can be quite distant from the views of those whom they represent. Often, the lower groups of the trade union come into conflict with the strategy of their own organization. "

The most important thing, modern trade unions have lost its development perspective. In the early, revolutionary period, their activities were inspired by the struggle for equality, for social transformations. In 1960-1970, some national trade union organizations (in the UK, Sweden) even demanded the nationalization of the main sectors of the economy, since de private businesses are not able to provide social justice. In the 1980-1990, however, it became dominated by the economists of the neoclassical direction, according to which the state is engaged in economic activities much worse than a private business. As a result, the confrontation of trade unions with tenants loses the ideological intensity.

However, if in some developed countries, the trade union movement is in an obvious decline, then in some other trade unions they retained their meaning. In many ways, the corporate model of the working relationship between the labor movement and power contributed. This applies primarily by such continental European countries as France, Germany, Sweden.

However, crisis phenomena are noticeable in the activities of "continental" trade unions. French trade unions, in particular, are relatively small even American: in the private sector of France, only 8% of employees are members of trade unions (in the US - 9%), in the public sector - about 26% (in the United States - 37%). The fact is that when the state of universal well-being conducts an active social policy, it actually adapts the functions of trade unions, which leads to the weakening of the inflows in them by new members.

Another factor of the Crisis of "Continental" trade unions is the formation of a global (European, in particular) labor market, which increases competition with each other workers of all EU countries in differences in salaries level 50 or more times. Such competition led to a tendency to reduce wages, worsening the working conditions, the growth of unemployment and temporary employment, the destruction of social conquests and the growth of the shadow sector. According to Dana Galle, director of the International Labor Institute (Geneva): "The source of our strength is the organization of the labor movement on a global scale. The reason why it is rarely and does not succeed, is that we are in our consciousness with prisoners of the closed spaces set by state borders, while the authorities and decision-making centers have long overcome these borders. "

Although economic globalization requires international consolidation of trade unions, the modern trade union movement is actually a network of poorly related national organizations that continue to act in accordance with their national problems. Existing international trade union organizations - the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (the largest in the world - 125 million members), international trade union secretariats, the European Trade Union Confederation and some others have not yet enjoyed a wide prestige. Therefore, the long-time dream of radical trade union activists, the creation of the world "single large trade union", while only the dream remains.

However, even if the trade union organizations of different countries will be able to establish cooperation among themselves, in the long run, trade unions are doomed to gradual die off. The trade union is the production of an industrial era with a typical confrontation of the owners of capital and employees. Since, as it approaches the post-industrial society, this conflict loses its sharpness, disappears, then trade union organizations of the classical type will also inevitably lose their meaning. Probably, in the near future, the Center for the trade union movement will shift from developed countries to developing, where technology and production relations of industrial society are still dominated.

Chapter 2 The role of trade unions in the labor market

Under labor market (labor, labor services, jobs, labor resources) in economic literature means a set of social relations arising in connection with the purchase and sale of a specific product - the labor resource.

From a strictly scientific point of view, labor itself can not be a product, since it begins only after the employer will hire a worker and starts to use it in the process of producing goods and services. The most preferred concept is the concept of labor resource (by analogy with other industrial resources). Unlike other production resources (means of production, land, etc.) the work is a very specific resource - it, for example, cannot be the subject of storage, it is closely related to the subjective factors of production, with the values \u200b\u200bpersonal characteristics of the employee.

In demand, labor is understood as the effective need of entrepreneurs in the hired labor force for the organization and development of production. The scale of attracted labor is the result of the efforts of the employers to minimize costs and maximize profits and depend on the limiting productivity of the workers, the technological level of the enterprise, the ratio of prices for the applied means of production

The demand for concrete labor is determined by the amount of labor that entrepreneurs are ready and able to use in this period of time under these conditions. In turn, the amount of labor is determined by the number of employed workers, the time of their work, labor intensity.

Under the cumulative demand for labor means, the need for a certain amount of labor of different categories of workers who experience employers of a given country for a given period of time under these conditions is experienced.

The demand for labor reflects the needs of the economy in a certain number of employees for every given time. Communities demand quantitatively should be equal to the number of employed plus available vacancies. Various factors affect the change in the demand in the labor market: labor price (salary), the demand for the product, the volume of production used by technology.

Together, the behavior of the employers depends on macroeconomic factors. So, the demand for labor is determined by the type of NTP. For the first time, the concept of types of technical progress and their impact on employment put forward by English economist R. Kharrod, allocating, on the one hand, technical progress ensuring the savings of living work, which leads to the economy of extractable labor in the means of production (the capital-flowering type of NTP).

On the dynamics of occupational replacement capital also affect the trends in the level of labor prices and fixed assets. Obviously, the higher the level of wages in the economy compared with the level of prices for the means of production, the more incentives for the spread of modern forms of automation, the use of new equipment and technologies and, accordingly, the less cumulative demand for labor.

A steady trend towards improving wages in industrialized countries increases the propagation of microelectronic automation processes in them in order to increase productivity and savings on labor costs. At the same time, the relative cheapness of labor.

So, in reality on the macro and micro levels there are a number of different factors that determine the need for employers in labor.

Demand for work, like any other production factor, is derivative and depends on the demand for that products that will be manufactured using this resource. So, the growth of good roads will cause an increase in demand for road workers services.

Demand and supply in the labor market are dependent on many factors. Note the most important of them.

The cumulative demand for work primarily depends on the economic situation characterizing the state of the economy. If the economy is on the rise, then the demand for work is growing, reaching a high level. If the economy is in a crisis state, then the demand for labor is low.

Such a demand dependence is largely due to the demand for goods produced by labor. A favorable economic situation is characterized by an increase in income of the economic entities and the corresponding growth in demand for different goods, demanding an increase in their production. With an unfavorable economic situation, the picture is completely opposite - income falls, the demand for goods is reduced, respectively, the demand for work is reduced, unemployment is growing, the working time of the occupied part of the population is reduced.

On the cumulative demand for labor affects the possibility of replacement of labor capital. High technical equipment of production, its mechanization and automation lead to a reduction in demand for labor. The predominance in various industries of manual and non-mechanized labor causes a high demand for labor. But the impact of technical progress on the demand for the labor market is ambiguous. It can lead to a reduction in labor demand in the industries, where the mechanization and automation of production occurs, but at the same time increase the demand for labor in industries producing new techniques where its maintenance occurs.

The state of state affects the aggregate demand. If this policy encourages economic growth, then the demand for work is growing. Deflation policy, on the contrary, compresses demand for labor.

An important impact on cumulative demand is provided by social legislation. Laws aimed at reducing the working day, restricting dismissal, contribute to the maintenance of high demand for labor. Since demand is dependent on the level of wages, the laws that limit wages with a certain minimum lead to a reduction in labor demand, although this reduction can be compensated by increased demand from the work population on goods, the demand for the demand for which requires the maintenance of high employment of same working population.

The subjects of demand for labor are business and state.

In the market of perfect competition, the number of employees employed by the enterprise is determined by two indicators - the size of the wage and value (in monetary terms) of the limit product of labor. With an increase in the number of employed employees, a decrease in the magnitude of the limit product occurs. Attracting an additional unit of labor to stop when the limit product of labor in monetary terms (MRP1) comes with the value of wages.

The demand for labor is formed under the influence of basic macroeconomic factors. Cumulative demand, that is, the sum of satisfied demand (the number of employed) and the number of vacant jobs is determined by the volume of production and investment investments that create new jobs. It is clear how great the role of the state and its main tools (fiscal and social policy) in the creation of new jobs is.

In an example, a policy of effective employment policy can be brought now. This is a model of development and use of a qualified, expensive and mobile labor force, is focused on the revaluation of its increasing material and domestic needs. A large role in the implementation of the concept of effective employment is played by the State Employment Service established by the State Fund to improve employment (deductions to it amount to 1% of the wage foundation regardless of the ownership form). It is also necessary to organize the processes forecasting services that occur in the field of demand and supply of labor, develop programs for the transformation of all forms of levels of education and training, training and retraining of working personnel. Effective employment policy is rational and socially aimed, which meets the requirements of the modern labor market.

The volume of demand for labor is in reverse dependence on the value of wages. With the growth rate of wages, with other things being equal, the entrepreneur in order to preserve the equilibrium must accordingly reduce the use of labor, and when it decreases, the value for work will increase. The functional dependence between the value of wages and the volume of demand for labor is expressed by the demand curve for labor.

Consider the dependence of demand for labor from its price. Suppose that in some industries has grown wages with unchanged technologies used by equipment and other factors. As a result, the cost of production will increase and, as a result, the price of this product. The buyer responds to higher prices that it buys less, and the product manufacturer is forced to reduce its release, and, consequently, the demand for workers. Thus, as a result of increased wages (under all other equal conditions), employment is reduced. Such a change in employment is called a scale effect.

Trade unions are associations (associations) of hired employees, created to protect their economic interests and improving working conditions. According to the composition of united workers, they may have a narrow-professional, industry, regional, national and even international character.

It is well known that on any market (except for the market of perfect competition) there may be associations of both agents of demand and supply agents. These associations created in order to obtain economic advantages and benefits for their members will generate certain limitations of freedom of competition with all the consequences in the field of pricing.

The labor resources market, employees do not always occupy an equal, corresponding to fair economic relations in relation to employers. After all, on the side of the employer there are such advantages as wealth, organizational capabilities of the enterprise, and often political influence. In this regard, the hired workers appear a natural need to oppose labor buyers of the united strength of its sellers.

Trade unions just have to fulfill the role of such force. Their overlapping is to protect employees from

operating from enterprises that make demand for labor and paying it at a low price. Therefore, trade unions organize collective forms of labor sale instead of individual. They are trying to ensure the increase in wages, the increase in the number of employees, the improvement of working conditions for working and social guarantees is unemployed. Along with the fulfillment of purely economic tasks, trade unions often interfere with the political life of their countries. Significant politicization is characteristic, in particular, for European trade unions.


Trade unions in the USSR and Russia

Pre-revolutionary Russia, the trade union movement, an overwhelmed by the monarchist state, could not achieve the necessary degree of maturity. Its actual impact on labor relations was practically absent. Later, under Soviet power, trade unions functioned as part of the party-state mechanism. They did not intervene at all in many questions, traditionally made up the core of trade union activities. So, they did not even try to achieve wages, did not strike.

Being dependent on the country's leadership, the Soviet trade unions nevertheless played an important role in solving numerous social problems. Without the consent of the trade union, it was impossible to dismiss a single busy. Through the union system, a variety of preferential (sold not at the full cost) was distributed in the sanatorium, recreation homes, etc., travel tickets, it turned out to be material assistance in need.

Currently, Russian trade unions make only the first steps to establish fundamentally new relationships and with the state, and with enterprises. They still have to take an independent place both in the emerging market system as a whole and in the labor market. The largest union of trade unions - the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) - is a direct "heir" of Soviet trade unions and unites most of those employed in state and privatized enterprises. In the activities of the FNPR, elements of formalism and bureaucracy are still great, and the ability to actually defend the interests of the workers (for example, to achieve the payment of salary arrears on a particular company) is limited. As for new private firms, trade union organizations are usually absent there. Nevertheless, modern Russian trade unions (especially at the local level) have already ceased to be obedient appendages of the state. The organization of them strikes and mass protests - the first signs of the independent role of the trade union movement in the economy.

There are three main models of the labor market involving trade unions.



demand for work

the horse model is oriented to increase wages and employment by increasing demand for labor. To achieve such an increase in the trade union may, improving the quality of the goods work (for example, contributing to the growth of labor productivity at the enterprise or an increase in demand for finished products).

Imagine this model graphically (Fig. 11.11).

When the trade union is reached, the increase in demand for labor curve is shifted to the right from the position D1 to the D2 position. In this case, two most important tasks of trade unions are solved at the same time: employment increases (from L1 to L2) and the salary rate increases (from W1 to W2). Obviously, the considered model is extremely attractive, but in practice it is difficult to be realized. In fact, trade unions in this case act in the interests and members of their members, and entrepreneurs, as they improve the quality of the work of the work. This is possible only in the conditions of the social world and partnership in society. An example is Japanese workers. In accordance with the relations established in the country, they are free and voluntarily make a lot for the prosperity of their firms. For example, quality mugs are organized, in which, after work, problems of improving products are discussed.


reducing the supply of labor

toraya model is oriented to increase wages through the reduction of labor supply. This reduction can be achieved within narrow-professional (workshop) trade unions, which are customary to be called closed, or closed. Such trade unions establish strict control over the suggestion of highly qualified labor by limiting the number of their members, for which long-term training deadlines are used, restrictions on the issuance of qualification licenses, high entrance fees, etc.

At the same time, trade unions are striving to conduct policies for a feasible to reduce the overall sentence, seeking, in particular, the adoption by the state of relevant laws (for example, establishing mandatory retirement while reaching a certain age, limiting immigration or reduced working week's duration).

the reform image of this model is shown in Fig. 11.12.

If the trade union by those or in other ways is to reduce the supply of labor, its curve from the position S1 is shifted to the S2 position. The consequence of this will be the increase in the wage rate with W1 to W2. But simultaneously employment will decrease with L1 to L2.


direct impact on salary

aKONETS, the third is the most common in our time - the model is oriented to increase wages, achieved under direct pressure of the trade union. Here, as a rule, we are talking about powerful, open (i.e. available to all those who want to join them) industry or nationwide trade unions, which, for example, under the threat of a mass strike in a position to force enterprises to make a wage rates desirable for the trade union Boards (Fig. 11.13).

and the graph shows that the equilibrium payroll rate in the conditions of the competitive corpse market could be W0. However, the sectoral trade union is achieved by setting wages at a level not lower than WTU, threatening otherwise a strike. The SL Labor Curve is converted to the wtucsl broken curve (it is highlighted with thickening on the graph). In accordance with its demand curve, the company will respond to the growth rate of wages with W0 to WTU with a reduction in the number of employed workers with L0 to LTU.

In the third (in the same way as in the second) model, the increase in wages is due to the reduction of employment. From here, it is possible to conclude about the controversivity of the results of the struggle of trade unions for the increase in payment of the wage labor, since this increase itself is associated with a decrease in the number of working. In other words, the unrestrained growth of wages can generate unemployment.

PARTICIPANTS OF THE LABOR OF LABOR (SELLERS AND EDUCATIONERS AND EDUCTORERS-COUNTERS) of the centuries were not encrypted among themselves. Employers considered the most important rule when setting wages - keep it at a low as possible. Employees adhered to the exact opposite point of view.

It is this position in the labor market that made it such conflict with its centuries. Each side defends its interests using various methods. For hired workers, the most common is the creation of trade unions, which unite workers or an enterprise or industry, or a certain profession. Tracks of trade unions are associated with the peculiarities of the work that their members are engaged and everyone has standard tasks. The most important of them:

  • - Improving working conditions and ensuring its safety. The constant care of trade unions is a decrease in the risk of death in production or injury. But in the world of the economy, everything has its price, and such activities of trade unions leads to a real increase in the cost of labor. The growth of labor prices (wage rates) leads to a decrease in the amount of demand for it, that is, the numbers of people who are ready to hire firms.
  • - increase wages. The solution to this task is possible in two ways - by creating conditions for the growth of demand for labor and by creating conditions for limiting the labor supply.

Increase demand for the work of trade unions is quite difficult: they do not have particularly great opportunities for the influence of the markets of goods, from where the demand for the labor market comes from. And, nevertheless, one of the ways to solve this task is quite real. Trade unions are for the restriction of importation into the country of imported goods. This is argued by the fact that if you cut imports, then the demand for domestic goods will increase, and then conditions for the growth of the number and wages in the domestic labor market will increase.

Russian trade unions, especially in the light industry, which strongly suffers from imports of goods from China, Turkey, etc., is also served from the importation of goods and shutters from China, and others. However, such a position leads to the weakening of competition in the domestic market, the quality of products is reduced, the possibilities of selling it are reduced. In other countries, and therefore, both the demand for work for its manufacture.

In addition, on the restriction of imports of one country, other states are associated with similar measures, and this reduces exports and worsens the conditions in labor markets for workers of industries focused on the export of goods.

As for restricting the supply of labor, it is usually ensured due to the fact that trade unions are achieved by the employers of consent to work on the work of only the members of the Union. In Russia, such tactics is almost no applied, although it is very common abroad.

Trade unions in order to achieve wages, act as the only representative of its members when agreeing with entrepreneurs working and payment. The logic of the trade union is simple: either all its members will receive a higher salary, or strike. But no trade union can deprive employers to dismiss workers if their work becomes unprofitable. And the increase in salary over the level, which would have formed on the free market, can lead to an increase in the number of such disadvantageous workers. Modern trade unions, including in Russia, are already hired economists to accurately assess the value of the salary, which can be achieved from employers without creating the threat of their ruin and mass layoffs.

In Russia, the trade union movement is experiencing a crisis. But the reasons for its perfectly special. The collapse of the previous political system of society caused the crisis of trade unions. Many of them practically disappeared, and new ones began to be formed. They are still quite weak, but there is reason to expect their strengthening in the future. After all, the level of revenues of Russians is still very low, and numerous strikes are waiting for the country with the requirement to increase wages. On the wave of such strikes and the Russian trade unions will strengthen.

Only when the country is able to achieve a significant growth in the welfare of its citizens, the dieting trade unions and in Russia will begin. Life shows: the richer the country, the higher the level of welfare, the calmer the relationships in the labor market are built, the less and shorter strikes, the less the role of trade unions and their number.

The most important methods, with the help of which trade unions achieve wages.

First, trade unions can limit the supply of labor services. This is achieved, for example, by the introduction of high immigration barriers, lobbying laws on the maximum duration of working time, lengthening the student of apprenticeship in preparing for a particular profession, the establishment of high trade union entrance fees with simultaneous prohibition to take on the work of persons not standing in the trade union, restricting workload etc. Reducing the supply of labor services with constant demand for them leads to an increase in equilibrium price, i.e., wage rates.

Secondly, trade unions achieve an increase in wage rates caused by the contract for establishing it above the equilibrium level.

Thirdly, trade unions can promote an increase in demand for labor services. At the same time, any funds that increase the demand for labor services, for example, carrying out advertising campaigns in favor of a particular product. The growing demand for labor services is also promoted by the policy of trade unions that insist on the establishment of high imported customs tariffs that protect any national industry and contributing to the growth of production within the country. As a result, the amount of labor used is increasing and wages increase.

As the powerful associations of the sellers of labor, the trade unions significantly change the mechanism of self-regulating the labor market, monopoly by the sale of labor: they actually replace the individual labor sale transaction, which is legally fixed by the individual employment contract between the employee and the entrepreneur, a monopold collective deal, organizing workers and conclude with Firm collective agreement. The purpose of the collective agreement is to develop and consolidate in the legal document of mutually acceptable conditions for the sale and purchase of labor and employment. This is essentially not market conditions that are determined by supply and demand, wage fluctuations, profits, competition and financial position of the company. These are already negotiable conditions, which just largely level market fluctuations in labor prices and other labor market levers.

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