Money transfers abroad: fast and profitable options for sending funds to individuals and legal entities. What are fast money transfers Profitable money transfer system

Modern transfers allow you to transfer money almost instantly to anywhere in the world. Moreover, for this you do not need to fill out a lot of documents and stand in long lines, because almost all major banks act as partners of certain transfer systems.

Today's Top 5 includes the fastest and most convenient systems money transfers. They are distinguished by an extensive network of distribution points, ease of registration, reliability and affordable rates.

5. Unistream

Transfer via the UNISTREAM system can be sent from the payment terminal, sending point, from the account mobile phone, With bank card. And to receive it, it is enough to visit the UNISTREAM cash desk or the office of a partner bank with an identity document. To receive money, you will need to name the control code of the operation, the amount and currency of the transfer.

4.Western Union

This fast money transfer system is over 135 years old. Western Union operates in more than 200 countries around the world. To send money, you will need to present a passport and indicate the city in which the recipient is located. To receive money, you will also need a passport and a transfer control code.
Funds can be received at any of the thousands of Western Union service points in the city or country of destination where the money was sent.


The scheme for sending and receiving transfers via the CONTACT system is standard; a passport is enough to complete the procedure. Depending on the country of destination, the transfer can be addressless (then it can be received at any service point) or targeted, when the money is issued at the cash desk at a specific address.
This year for the impeccable quality of service and convenience, CONTACT system was awarded the international business award in the USA - The Bizz 2013 Award.

2. Golden crown

This transfer system is a service from the Center for Financial Technologies group of companies. Transfers using the Golden Crown system have been operating since 2003 on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as all neighboring countries.
You can send a transfer not only through a partner bank or service point, but also through Svyaznoy, MTS, TNK-BP, Euroset outlets. The transfer will be available to the recipient within a few seconds.
Tariffs for transfers through the system start from 0.5%. And for the convenience of those who often make transfers, a special a plastic card. The cardholder does not need to draw up documents for the transfer - it is enough to present the card and passport.

1. Migom

The system of fast transfers has been operating on the market since 2002 and is represented today in 27 countries of the world. Tariffs for the transfer of funds "start" from 30 rubles per operation. Funds can be conveniently transferred in rubles, US dollars or euros.
To make a transfer, it is enough to present a passport, as well as indicate the full name of the recipient of funds and the locality. To receive funds, you will need a passport and a transfer control number.

There are many different reasons for sending money to loved ones. Most often, such economic parcels are made by parents to their student children or children who have got on their feet financially support their parents. Most often, such regular shipments are made within the borders of our country. Therefore, the issue of cost is very relevant, because money transfers across Russia can be done in different ways, and in each case there are advantages and disadvantages of the options.

Sending money by mail

The most common branch network in the country is the Russian Post. In all, even the most distant corners, there is at least one small working branch. One of the oldest enterprises provides various types of services, including sending money.

It is worth noting that this method is one of the most expensive and long.

But in some areas it is practically indispensable. After all, not everywhere there are alternative services that want to work sometimes even at a loss.

Tariffs for sending money by Russian Post

The post office offers the CyberMoney service. Tariffs for small money transfers start from 40 rubles + 5% up to a thousand, up to 250 rubles + 1.5% up to half a million.

This means that for sending 1 thousand rubles, you have to pay 90 rubles (9%) of the commission. And for the amount of 500 thousand, the payment will be 7,750 rubles (1.55%).

But you need to know that sending amounts up to 100 thousand takes 3 working days, and more than this amount, according to the regulations, can be issued after a maximum of 8 working days.

Pros: huge coverage of the country, you get cash right away, you can send large amounts.

Cons: high commission for small amounts, very low speed.

Translations of specialized systems

There are special companies for making transfers, such as Western Union, Unistream, Anelink or others. Some of them are almost two hundred years old. Western Union, for example, has branches all over the world. They also strive to speed up the process of sending and receiving within each country as much as possible and regularly reduce shipping rates.

Now, for an operation up to 10 thousand rubles, you need to pay only 100 rubles of a fixed commission, and up to 100 thousand - 1% of the amount. When it is necessary to transfer more than 100 thousand rubles, the client will pay a fixed commission of 1000 rubles.

System tariffs

You can pick up money in a couple of hours after sending. You just need to know the transfer code and have a passport. Some systems allow you to receive a transfer a few minutes after sending, for example, Golden Crown.

Pros: high speed of money transfer, no need to have bank accounts.

Cons: fewer branches than the post office, you can get only at specialized points.

Transfers between bank cards

More profitable transfer is between cards of the same bank. Thus, you can even transfer money across Russia without a commission, and Sberbank can do this if the sender and recipient's accounts are opened in the same city. Some banks, such as Tinkoff, do not charge fees for transfers between any customer debit cards.

The maximum commission can rarely reach 2-3% of the amount. But there are limits on the volume of transfers. At different banks, they can be on average from 15 to 75 thousand per day. Large limits exist for transfers within the bank, and not between cards of different financial institutions.

Pros: high speed, average commission.

Cons: you need to have a bank card, you can get cash only at an ATM.

Sending via virtual payment systems

Younger users use Qiwi, WebMoney or Yandex.Money systems for transfers. But cashing out through these services takes some time and is not free.

On average, the user must pay up to 3-4% of the amount to receive banknotes.

But the translation itself comes instantly. Although there are also limits on maximum transfers. For unauthorized users, it will be a problem to receive more than 15 thousand rubles.

Pros: 24/7 transfers, low commission for sending.

Cons: problem with cashing out, limited low amounts to send, you need to be registered in the service, the commission for receiving is above average.

Bank transfer

You can go the traditional way and do bank transfer on account. In this case, the commission will be from 1 to 5% in different banks. The average value will be 1.5-2%.

But at the same time, the recipient must have a bank account and send full details to the one who wants to transfer money. Also, you can withdraw the amount really only through a bank branch during business hours. Which imposes its inconvenience to receive. Translation is coming one working day maximum.

Pros: average transfer speed, average commission, cash withdrawal.

Cons: you need to have an account, you can get it only on working days, you can pick it up only at one specific bank branch.

Instant transfers have become an integral part of our financial life. We send money to friends and family who live in other Russian regions, near and far abroad countries. Instant money transfers do not require you to make complex banking operations, for moving Money no need to open a special account and spend money on its maintenance.

Instant money transfer systems

The following money transfer systems have become popular in our country:
Western Union;
Post office.

Translations will allow you to:

  • send money to anywhere in the world;
  • spend no more than 15 minutes on money transfer;
  • save on transfer fees;
  • be confident in the reliability and safety of the translation;
  • use the simplest possible procedure for processing the operation.

How to send a money transfer?

If you want to send an instant transfer, you need to come to the service point. It can be the Russian Post, or any bank, service points gold Crown, Contact.
For example, you want to send a transfer to Ukraine for your relatives. You will need a passport or other document that identifies you. In addition, you will need to provide the details of the recipient of the funds and announce the amount of the transfer.
Next, you deposit the amount of the transfer, taking into account the commission fee to the system, to the cashier. And that's all. Money arrives to the recipient within a few minutes.
To receive funds, a relative must contact the nearest point of issue. The recipient needs to take a passport. Withdrawing money takes a few minutes. Some systems require the recipient to pronounce a code word or transfer number. If this is prerequisite transfer, do not forget to inform the recipient about it.
Instant transfers are a fairly convenient tool for transferring money within the country and to neighboring countries. You have probably heard that the flow of money transfers to Armenia, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan is increasing every year. What do you think it is connected with? Yes, yes, you guessed it with the development of foreign workers, technologies instant transfers. They were the first to appreciate the convenience of this method of moving money.

How much do instant money transfers cost?

You will have to pay a commission for transferring money, its size varies greatly - from 0.4 percent of the transfer amount to 6 percent. The amount of the fee depends on the direction of the transfer and its amount.
And now let's talk a little about the largest instant transfer systems.

Western Union

Western Union instant money transfer can be carried out both in favor of legal entities and individuals in all countries of the world. The convenience of the system lies in the wide geography of transfers.

You can transfer money from a bank card, deposit in cash, or use the Internet banking service. The commission for the transfer is kept from 0.5% to 2% of the transfer amount, from 100 to 5000 rubles of the transfer amount, the commission will be only 100 rubles. The developed infrastructure of service points makes the system quite popular in Russian regions and CIS countries.

To transfer, it is enough to present any document proving your identity, indicate the full name of the recipient, the country of destination and the city to which the transfer will be sent, it is also possible to specify a security question with an answer to it, for greater security of the transfer. It is also possible to provide the translation with a text message, and there is a service of telephoning the recipient about the transfer or home delivery of the receipt. The recipient of the transfer to receive cash must contact any Western Union service point and have an identity document, indicate the full name of the sender, the country of origin of the transfer and, if a security question is indicated, the correct answer to it, as well as the transfer code. After that, they will give you cash. The disadvantage of Western Union is a rather high fee for the company's services, all transfers are made in dollars.

gold Crown

Golden Crown transfers are sure to please you if you are planning to transfer money to an individual without a specific address. For the transfer, you need to present a document proving your identity, indicate the full name of the recipient, the country and city of residence of the recipient of the transfer. At the same time, the recipient can, at his own request, choose the nearest point of issue of money servicing Zolotaya Korona transfers. The control code is sent to the recipient in the form of a message on the mobile phone specified by you. For free sms informing, you must specify the recipient's phone number. This is quite convenient, because. does not require additional effort on your part.

40 thousand service points located in the following countries: Abkhazia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Moldova, Uzbekistan Tajikistan and Ukraine. Restrictions on transfer amounts in the rules of the Golden Crown service depend on the legislation of the recipient's country. Transfers are made in any currency, the exchange takes place at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia at the time of transfer. The transfer period is 60 days. If the transfer was not requested, after this period the sender should contact the place where the transfer was sent.

The disadvantage of the Golden Crown is the lack of a single pricing policy. Each of the agents sets the amount of the commission independently. At one point, you can send a transfer with a commission of 0.5 percent of the amount, and at another, pay 1.5 percent.


Unistream is a money transfer system. Allowing you to send money to foreign countries and make transfers within Russia. Unistrim has more than 100 thousand service points in 90 countries of the world. At the same time, the system does not provide for restrictions on the amount of transfer. To transfer, you will need to present a document proving your identity (for transfers up to 15,000 rubles or the equivalent in foreign currency, identification is not required). Indicate the country and city of the recipient, as well as his full name, from the bank employee to receive a copy of the "Application for transfer without opening an account" with the specified transfer control code. Tell the recipient the transfer control code and your full name. However, if you are a non-resident and want to transfer money in the amount of more than 75 thousand rubles, you will be required migration card. The currency for transfers within Russia is rubles, abroad you can use dollars and euros. Currency exchange takes place at the established rate of the service.

Money can be transferred to a specific postal address or to the addressee's name. Your funds will reach the recipient in a quarter of an hour after sending. The commission for the transfer will depend on the amount and direction of the transfer, the commission for transfers to the CIS countries is only 1% of the amount, there is no minimum.


You will only like MoneyGram if you plan to transfer money in US dollars. Over 327,000 branches in 198 countries. For transfers to the CIS countries, the commission is only 1% of the transfer amount. In general, commissions charged for transfers range from 1% to 12%, depending on the direction and amount of the transfer. In principle, you can come to the reception point with Russian rubles, they will be exchanged for foreign currency at the rate set by the service. But in this case, you risk exchanging money at an unfavorable rate.

The sender must present an identity document, fill out a simple money transfer form, the form that will be given to you at the transfer point, after receiving a receipt and transfer control number, inform the recipient of this transfer number.

The recipient needs to contact the MoneyGram service point, name the transfer number and present their ID, after which they will give you cash.

Prohibitions and restrictions when making transfers

When moving money through the instant money transfer service, do not forget about the current prohibitions in this area:

  1. Can't transfer at the same time sums of money over $5,000 to foreign countries;
  2. You cannot use money transfer systems as a means of payment for business and other activities related to making a profit.

A special category of money transfers are transfers made through instant payment terminals, such a service is provided, for example, by the Zolotaya Korona system. Such a transfer is anonymous and does not require you to present a passport. However, legislators plan to limit the amount of transfers through such devices to three thousand rubles.

What are the criteria for choosing an instant transfer system?

When choosing a money transfer system, follow these simple but effective rules:

  1. The method of sending money should be convenient for you. Love cash - choose the Golden Crown, be friends with Internet banking, prefer Western Union;
  2. The location of the nearest point of issue in relation to the recipient of funds. If the point of issuing money for Unistream transfers is located only in the nearest city, it is hardly worth giving preference to this system;
  3. Translation time. Maximum terms transfers are typical for the Russian Post, all other monetary systems implement the service within a few minutes;
  4. The commission for the transfer should be low, otherwise you risk incurring additional costs;
  5. The less restrictions in the system, the better. Otherwise, you run the risk of encountering unforeseen problems and losing precious time;
  6. Choose a system that has been on the market for many years.

Instant money transfers today are a very convenient, and most importantly, reliable way to move your funds over distances. Efficiency and inexpensive cost, makes this service available to every resident of Russia. How to choose a money transfer system, the services of which agents you used, we propose to discuss on the pages of our blog.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. How to get a fee from a client for your work? Every year there are more and more ways and it makes sense to make a choice with open eyes. Therefore, I decided to help you quickly compare and choose the most reliable and proven time options. These are money transfer systems, bank cards and electronic wallets.

Just study the details and rates below, compare the terms and speed of the transfer. Choose the method that is most convenient for you or your client! In general, I hope that this small opus on the topic of wages will be useful to you.

Money transfer systems

Now there are a lot of systems that carry out instant money transfers. With their help, it is easy to send money to any country in the world. The main advantage of such services is the ability to receive a transfer immediately in cash at the point of issue, in local currency.

There are three types of translations:

  1. from card to card
  2. from the card to the cash point
  3. from the cash department to the cash point

How to choose a translation system?

  1. By commission amount
  2. Proximity of points of issue to the place of residence of the recipient
  3. By the number of branches in a particular country
  4. By international transfer speed
  5. Fame, reputation and reliability

A giant network with a wide geography and 140 years of history, which covers more than 200 countries of the world. The most convenient and most reliable solution for international transfers. Currency conversion is performed instantly at the current rate.

No. 2. gold Crown

A network with a large number of partners: you can make a transfer within walking distance in the Svyaznoy, Euroset, Mts, Beeline salons. The commission is quite low, often not exceeding 1.5% even for international transfers. Commission for currency conversion - 0 rubles.

Number 3. Unistream

The most profitable network for all MasterCard cardholders - from these cards you can send money transfers to any country in the world for 0 rubles using online service. You can send money both at service points and online, as well as in numerous terminals: Eleksnet, TelePay, QIWI ...

No. 4. Leader

A network from Alfa-Bank, which is more often used by Alfa cardholders. With a convenient online service for quick transfers. You can get a special wallet "Leader" or use the electronic payment service Leomoney.

Transfer system Transfer speed Transfer fee Number of collection points Ease of use Western Union 2-3 minutes in Russia from 1% to the CIS countries and Georgia from 1%, to China 1000 rubles. for any transfer from 75,000 rubles. to Europe 2-4% on average, but not less than $10 or 250 rubles more than 500,000 branches in 200 countries, of which 20,000 in Russia 6 out of 10 Unistream instantly worldwide - up to 1.5% for transfers to MasterCard cards to any country - 0% more than 280,000 points of issue, more than 400 partners8 out of 10 Golden Crown 3-4 seconds from 0% to 1.5% depending on the country of destination more than 49,000 points of issue, more than 550 partners - banks and mobile stores 8 out of 10 Leader instantly 1-1.5% depending on the transfer method and country of destination130,000 service points in 130 countries, of which 7,000 are in Russia7 out of 10

Bank cards

This option is especially convenient if the payee has a card from the same bank as you. And if you are registered in your internet bank.


Included in the TOP-50 largest banks in the world. The most popular bank in Russia - more than 110,000,000 customers use its services. You can transfer money in an understandable and reliable Internet service "Sberbank-Online".

Alfa Bank

A profitable way to transfer money if the sender and recipient have "Alpha" cards. The commission in this case will be 0 rubles, even for international transfers. There is an Internet bank "Alfa-Click".


A revolutionary bank: no branches, no own ATMs, with the ability to withdraw cash from any ATM in the world! It is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia, it already has more than 4 million customers. You can transfer money from a Tinkoff card to a Tinkoff card without a commission, even if the transfer is international.

Internet money

Electronic wallets - fast and convenient way receiving money. However, problems often arise when you need to withdraw money - transfer it from online to offline. Freelancers have to pay a fee to send money from a wallet to a bank card.


Large international system with enhanced security and wallet protection. You can replenish your wallet in a variety of ways: from a payment terminal to the Russian post.

Convenient "dollar" network, more often used for money orders in the USA.

Yandex money

Russian system electronic money, clear and simple, well suited for domestic use.

This wallet number is a mobile phone number. Getting a wallet and using it is very easy. There are a large number of QIWI branded payment terminals in Russia.

Electronic wallet Fee for transferring money to a wallet Fee for withdrawing money from a wallet Transfer speed Ease of use from a bank card online from 0% through payment terminal 1% in Internet banking 2.5% from a mobile account 5.95-12.5% ​​at Euroset and Svyaznoy cash desks from 2% at a bank branch 1-7% at a WebMoney point 0-4% P.S. Since the beginning of 2016, there have been observed (possibly temporary). 2% -2.5% to a bank card from 30 minutes to 3 days, depending on the method 5 out of 10 from a bank card 1% from a mobile account 7.86% from a Sberbank card 0% to a Yandex money card - 3% of the amount + 15 rubles. to another card - 3% of the amount + 45 rubles. (not less than 100 rubles) instantly 10 out of 10 2% instantly 10 out of 10 0% 48 hours 6 out of 10
from a bank card - 0% (from 3000 rubles) at an ATM, through an Internet bank, at partner offices - 0% in QIWI terminals– 0% (from 501 rubles)
in other terminals - 0% (when paying in cash) from mobile - from 0% to 9.9%
3.9% on average + currency conversion fee

But in general

I hope that the article was useful for you and that you have chosen the right way to transfer money for you and your customers!

It is really very difficult to start a wallet in emergency mode and try to set it up “on the run” when you need to urgently receive payment. I got several offers of cooperation in this way, until I brought all my financial instruments in perfect order and conformity. Learn from my mistakes...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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