Middle SP in Belarus. See how salaries in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine are distinguished. From which the average zp depends

Used photos from sites: laplimbare.com, AP1.BY, Rusvesna.su

Our economic observer Dmitry Ivanovich analyzed these strata statistics in three countries - Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - and made comparative tables and an interactive map. Here is its conclusions.

- This is how salaries changed throughout the year in three neighboring countries - Belarus, Russia and Ukraine:

The growth of economies in three countries will contribute to the further growth of wages. This is how the situation in the context of the regions looks like now.

Middle wages in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine by region

IN Belarus- The lowest increase in average salaries among the three countries. At the same time, administrative efforts are applied in the country to increase this indicator.

The average accrued wage in June 2017 was $ 424. a year earlier - $ 370. The increase over the year is $ 54, or by 14.6%.

The increase in salaries is marked in all areas of the country. The minimum increase in absolute terms - in the Vitebsk region. For 12 months of salaries there increased from $ 316 to $ 359, or $ 43. As of June 2017, the Vitebsk region is the lowest-paid area in Belarus.

Salary leadership keeps Minsk: the capital approached the mark of $ 600.

Russia. The average accrued wage in June 2017 was $ 713. a year earlier - $ 598. Growth over the year is $ 115, or by 19%.

Russia is the only one of the three countries in which the level of salaries December 2016 as of June 2017 is not overcome.

Only in Russia for the year wages in the two regions decreased in national currency: in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and in the Republic of Tyva. However, thanks to strengthening the Russian ruble to the US dollar, in dollar equivalent, the growth of salaries is marked in all regions.

In terms of wages, the regional leader was the Chukchi JSC, where the salary reached $ 1600 and increased by 19% for the year. Previous leader - Yamalo-Nenets JSC - with a salary of $ 1580 ranks second in terms of wages. Moscow returned to the top three: in the capital of Russia, the average salary in June 2017 was $ 1464.

Moscow became the leader in the absolute increase in wages: for the year they increased from $ 1140 to $ 1464, or $ 324.

The smallest level of wages was recorded in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. This is the only region in Russia, the salary in which in June was lower than $ 400. In the Chechen Republic and the Altai Territory paid about $ 400. In the low-paid regions, wages have grown slower over the past 12 months than in the country as a whole.

Ukraine. The average accrued wage in June 2017 in Ukraine was $ 282. a year earlier - 215. Growth over the year is $ 67, or by 31%.

In Ukraine, the highest relative increase in salaries among the countries under consideration.

One of the reasons for such high growth rates of earnings may be a gradual output of "gray" wages from the shadow due to a change in tax policy regarding wages in this country.

Salary growth is marked in all regions of the country. The minimum level of regional salaries over the years increased from $ 160 to $ 227. The lowest salary - in the Lugansk and Kirovograd regions. Traditionally, the leader in Ukraine is Kiev: in June 2017, the salary in the capital amounted to $ 425. Kiev leads and at the maximum wage growth: the year earlier they were $ 81 below.

The highest paying activities

IN Belarus The only type of activity, wages in which decreased both in national currency and in US dollars - IT sphere. For the year of salaries in this area fell by $ 57 - to $ 1820. Such a reduction is associated with an active expansion of the number of employees: new employees come to the sphere, at the initial stage they cannot receive an average salary in the industry. Despite the slight decline, this type of activity retains absolute leadership in the level of earnings, overtaking by the sphere of air transportation by 1.5 times.

In June 2017, the highest paying activity in RussiaAs can be seen on the table, the production of petroleum products. It is worth noting that the sharp rise in salaries is associated with the payments of the top management of premium. Depending on the year they occur in different months. Last year, such payments were produced in August, in 2015 - in May. After payments, the salary in the industry will return to the level of $ 1700-1800 per month. And leadership can move to the sphere of air and space transport, the salary in which is about $ 2500.

IN Ukraine The sector of air transport is the only type of activity in which more than $ 1000 pays a month. Ukraine does not publish individual data on the IT sector (included in this type of activity as "information and communication"). However, together with representatives of communications enterprises, Aytichniks are among the most highly paid specialists.

The lowest-paid activities

Despite the increase in salaries over the past 12 months by 10% or more, the lowest-paid activities in Belarus are budget sectors.

In the lowest paid activities in Russia Salary below $ 350 is not left.

Among three countries the smallest salary (less $ 200) in the lowest paid activities in Ukraine.


1. The growth of economies in three countries will contribute to the further growth of wages. At the same time, if the strengthening of the national currency ceased in Russia and Belarus, it continues in Ukraine - this will contribute to the further increase in the dollar equivalent of wages.

2. In Russia, the unfavorable demographic situation (a shortage of personnel) will support the growth of salaries. The transition to an active policy to attract foreign workers from abroad or mitigating the requirements for migrants due to the lack of specialists is not excluded.

In Ukraine, the situation with the advent of a visa-free regime with the EU may contribute to a certain outflow of labor.

In Belarus, the pressure of the authorities for wage growth will continue, but this growth will not correspond to the opportunities of the economy, which will have an adverse effect on the finance of enterprises and budget in the future.

3. The salary situation will be largely related to further changes in the tax policy regarding wages. Local benefits, a reduction in the tax burden on wage funds can lead to wage growth or to the legalization of gray salary.

⇒ And here is the comparison made in 2016 :

At least IT sphere grows. And what you have listed, we and so high-quality. Another thing is that the sales of Belarusian goods prevent blunt prejudices to those who judge and comes to the conclusion that Belarusians cannot perform their work qualitatively. I judge by myself and I am not afraid to buy Belarusian products, thanks to which I recently came to the conclusion that Lida sneakers for 20r serve 4-5 times longer than foreign sneakers for 50 r, and the Belarusian peas is tastier Hungarian for the tight price. I also have a microwave and a TV with a horizon, a stove from Hepesta, a refrigerator and a washed from Atlant, outlets, switches and LED lights from light trucks, Belarusian doors and wardrobes and a lot more Belarusian. Faucet in the bathroom I want from Belezzo, because Foreign began to flow. I eat only the Belarusian meal, not counting fruit. And send the forest of all those who try to prove that Belarusians do not produce high-quality products, because As a rule, only those who have no one and they are based on stupid prejudices are complaining about Belarusian products.
I thought one thing.
I remember when I watched a new refrigerator. The consultant was discussed to take the Atlant, but I was tired of all my life imported. Shoot something in the head. Fossers are already all these countless Samsungi, Indesites, Big.
Took the Belarusian Atlant 2017 year - it turned out to be a very good refrigerator, everything was completely satisfied, the role of even the parents also bought the role that the Atlant was also bought and they didn't have any problems, the washing woman also wanted Atlant, but they are not released with top download , I took the zanussi, the microwave also took the horizon - also satisfied. Hobs - Hephaest. TV took LG, because The horizon has no OLED matrix and 4K permission.
The door is entrance and interroom - our Belarusian, furniture is also our Belarusian. I was in Jysk, who positions the type as "Scandinavian" furniture, there are some caked downed sticks with glass, like Scandinavian minimalism - gives some village a year in the year so 1968. I bought our furniture, which mainly in a strict office style is quite good and beautiful, it looks great, there is plenty to choose from. Also satisfied.
Toilet, sink - Ceramine, Ceramin tile. And there is a lot more things on the little things, sometimes even wondered that we produce it.
The clothes also bought a lot of our - MF.
By the way, I also understood that the crossings for $ 15 are almost the same thing as for $ 70 in the "branded" MAZA. And those and those bought - no difference, they are killed in almost the same amount of time.
Or maybe I was so lucky and the quality products came across.

19:09 - REGNUM The average salary in Belarus is growing. As reported today, October 9, the head of the labor committee, employment and social protection Zhanna Romanovich At the Operational Meeting in the Minsk City Executive Committee, the nominal average monthly salary in Minsk for the period from January to August of this year was 1101 rubles.

According to Romanovich, the plan to increase wages to countries is carried out with a lead. In dollar equivalent, 1101 Belarusian ruble is $ 559.34. The highest wage indicator was recorded in August, when the average income of citizens after the deduction of all taxes was 1138.3 Belarusian ruble.

At the same time, employees in budget organizations began to receive less. On average, it is only 739 rubles ($ 375).

Recall that at the beginning of 2017, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko I instructed to raise the level of average salary in the country to a thousand rubles. According to the Belarusian leader, it is important that the productivity of labor has grown together with salaries.

At the end of September, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Irina Kostevich It stated that in general, the authorities cope with the instructions of the President, and the task to ensure the level of wages on average one thousand rubles will be fulfilled. However, not in all regions manage to fulfill Lukashenko's instructions. Kostevich noted that in January-August 2017 the average patch behind the established schedule in separate regions and certain types of activities.

As previously reported IA REGNUM.In January 2017, the nominal accrued average salary of workers in Belarus, according to Belstat, was 720.7 rubles, which is 80.9 rubles less than in December 2016. It became a kind of record. Since February, after the statement of Lukashenko, the need to increase this indicator of salaries began to grow.

However, if you take an average salary in Belarus for July 2017, it turns out that it has been only about 820 rubles, that is, in fact, it became less than 20 rubles more compared with December 2016. In addition, if you recalculate the average patch of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus on the weighted average dollar rate for July (1.955), it turns out that labor payment fell by almost $ 10 compared with June and amounted to $ 423.

It is also noteworthy that in May, in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the population, they decided not to index the cash income of the population, since inflation for this month did not exceed 5%. According to the information of Belstat, inflation for May amounted to 0.3%, since January 2017, prices for goods and services rose by 2.7%. In the Belarusian legislation, the indexation of cash incomes of the population is made only if consumer price growth exceeded 5% since the previous date of revenue revision.

In July, for the same reason, the minimum wage, salaries of state employees, scholarships and the satisfaction of the military index did not. In August, salaries of civil servants and income received from budget sources, due to the low level of inflation, index also did not. At the same time, the last time in the republic, the monetary incomes of the population were indexed from January 1, 2017.

In addition to the fact that the income received from budget sources has long been indexed in Belarus, there is another, no less important problem - in the republic there are few vacancies where more or less acceptable labor fee is offered. According to Belstat, in May, only 12% of the population had an income of more than 600 rubles, while 4.5 million citizens received 350 rubles. Sputnik studied the bank's proposals of the Bank's vacancy and social protection of Belarus, where almost 51 thousand vacant posts were offered. Only 28.8 thousand of these vacancies are designed to pay for labor in the amount of more than 350 rubles. Vacancies where salary is about a thousand rubles, only 1167 (2.3% of the total). The latter is, as a rule, vacancies of top managers, deputy director of IT companies.

As Correspondent found out IA REGNUM., Today, on October 9, the Schedule Bank of the vacancies has 56,443 sentences. Judging by the position of vacancies, specialists, car drivers, nurses, sellers and cleaners are most in demand. At the same time, the proposed salary for specialist doctors in Ivanovo is approximately 361 rubles, in Minsk region - 265 rubles, in Minsk itself there are vacancies paid by 620 and 820 rubles. Drivers in the Minsk region offer vacancies with labor payment in the amount of from 265 rubles, in Grodno - 400-500 rubles. The average salary of nurses even in Minsk does not exceed 500 rubles. Salary salaries depending on the area vary from 265 rubles to 400.

The average salary is the official statistical indicator that characterizes the level of income of the population. It is calculated in each country, while the calculation technique may vary.

  • the volume of salaries in the country is divided into the number of employees;
  • the calculation takes accrued income along with taxes paid by employees at their own expense;
  • the entire working population is taken into account, including personnel on probation.

The average monthly salary of workers in the Republic of Belarus in November - 1113.1 rubles.

As one of the macroeconomic purposes posed by the country's leadership is to bring the average salary for employees to 1000 rubles.

Nominal accrued average monthly salary of workers (Bel. Rub.)

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
January 981,6 859 720,7 655,2 6023213 5322441 4368023 2880585 1409625
February 977,6 850,4 716,5 661,6 6129105 5389193 4504840 2964249 1439301
March 1056,9 926,8 770,6 709,5 6483703 5753101 4692789 3159624 1537210
April 1073,7 921 776,7 708,6 6536111 5860652 4888296 3252689 1563393
May 1071,6 943,9 795,2 718,3 6687564 6055941 4988338 3559648 1648669
June 1080,5 953,7 819,3 738,7 6883744 6198540 5159884 3752118 1782857
July 1128,5 973,8 827,5 745,8 7008649 6455276 5450175 3925900 1854517
August 1117,8 987,5 844,4 750,3 6970521 6364471 5547075 4084895 1992310
September 1108,5 963,6 831,3 732,9 6862950 6335320 5374793 4096741 2260112
October 1123,4 999,7 841 722,9 6837568 6377912 5477569 4228447 2318000
November 1113,1 994,0 836,9 717,6 6748775 6194398 5348781 4244270 2439681
December 1115,3 995,3 801,6 7424092 6805978 5854664 4741282 2877658

From which the average zp depends

The dynamics of the middle RF varies depending on the general state of the national economy, from productivity, as well as from foreign economic factors (a change in world prices for raw materials, energy carriers, etc.). Recalculated in the currency equivalent of average wages depends on the situation in the international foreign exchange market. The following factors affect the size of the indicator:

  1. Specific settlement. Statistical data indicate that in villages and small cities compared with megalopolises, the level of wages can be less than twice or more.
  2. Branch of the economy. The most highly paid are workers engaged in the financial sector and industry, as well as in the IT industry. The lowest salaries are traditionally in agriculture and the social sphere.

The size of the salary has a negative impact of sanctions imposed by the international community in the Russian Federation, since this country is the main and strategic partner of Belarus not only in politics, but also in the economy.

Where in Belarus the highest and low salary

The level of medium salary differs significantly in the country's regions. The highest - in the Soligorsky district, since enterprises for the extraction of potash salt are system-forming. High average monthly zp is fixed in the Minsk region, because The region is the center of large manufacturing complexes. In addition, many IT companies are registered in Minsk, including with foreign capital, which are traditionally distinguished by a high level of salaries.

The lowest indicators are fixed in the Vitebsk region. The economy of this region is formed mainly due to the enterprises of the agricultural sphere, which differ in traditionally low yield (some of them are subsidized by the state).

Middle salary in Minsk

Average monthly salary in Minsk from 2015 to 2019 (white rubles).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 1567,0 1360,4 1151,8 10462680
November 1537,7 1375,3 1151,9 1008,1 9256390
October 1541,6 1370,3 1151,3 1011,7 9321682
September 1516,2 1319,5 1137,1 1014,9 9287831
August 1512,8 1343,3 1138,3 1022,8 9233805
July 1556,0 1334,8 1141,3 1037,2 9359150
June 1498,7 1314,7 1143,1 10454826 9398004
May 1472 1294,4 1104,4 10069670 8932503
April 1551,7 1275,3 1103,3 9928505 8793083
March 1544,5 1364,9 1118,1 10509849 8933326
February 1382,1 1190,4 1020,2 9474959 8569993
January 1379,5 1188,7 1027,6 9387961 8235591

Average salary in Gomel and region

The average monthly wage in the Gomel region from 2015 to 2019 (Belubr.).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 972,4 893,0 694,1 6482299
November 997,1 895,7 761,8 640,2 6098698
October 1015,1 907,9 766,0 644,1 6263791
September 995,7 880,9 753,3 656,6 6372332
August 1004,0 892,7 761,0 674,6 6421258
July 1003,4 879,3 741,1 669,7 6511192
June 967,7 860,5 730,5 6531052 6343218
May 968,4 849,8 712,1 6329252 6164695
April 950,3 836,1 698,2 6350283 6066628
March 930,2 818,3 678,2 6206394 6000123
February 882,4 772,3 638 5901261 5590690
January 891,4 783,6 646,1 5850681 5558133

Middle salary in Mogilev and region

The average monthly salary in the Mogilev region from 2015 to 2019 (Belubr.).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 899 854,6 666,0 6163295
November 922,0 836,3 713,4 614,2 5774362
October 936,6 836,7 719,4 618,4 5873297
September 930,9 817,2 713,9 627,2 5906946
August 934,6 833,2 723,9 645,3 6091703
July 929,4 821,7 709,0 638,5 6107018
June 903,6 808,1 701 6258728 5995300
May 884,1 797 673,9 6108772 5833806
April 871,1 775,7 651,9 5996805 5724032
March 846,3 765,1 645 5879446 5633459
February 810,4 719,7 610,4 5593772 5289804
January 817,3 723,9 612,6 5555274 5257185

Middle salary in Vitebsk and region

The average monthly salary in the Vitebsk region from 2015 to 2019 (white rubles).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 902,9 836,1 669,0 6212559
November 944,2 838 716,9 608,4 5769808
October 954,1 848,2 710,1 613,8 5869890
September 945,5 827,7 708,1 629,1 5907041
August 957,8 846,7 714,3 647,9 6100989
July 947,6 830,8 702,0 639,3 6164036
June 916,8 816,7 694,6 6337563 6049192
May 908,3 814,4 678,9 6229238 5881579
April 898,5 782,8 647,5 6048938 5724707
March 867 764,8 642,8 5961094 5572242
February 825,2 726,6 606,7 5639531 5336309
January 830 734,8 611,5 5607124 5316850

Middle salary in Grodno and region

The average monthly salary in the Grodno region from 2015 to 2019 (Belubr.).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 976,5 894,4 681,4 6391838
November 983,1 863,7 719,4 613 5890849
October 980,5 885,3 739,4 625,6 6092346
September 960,7 837,4 723,5 635,0 6108952
August 966,4 857,6 735,9 650,6 6269660
July 975,2 852,2 717,4 640,3 6243038
June 931,3 827,4 708,7 6372111 6117960
May 926,2 823,5 684,7 6259538 6031511
April 910,8 794,6 660,7 6116785 5738922
March 892,7 779,4 655,7 6002959 5722781
February 831,1 721,5 606,2 5638989 5398569
January 837,7 729,6 606,6 5587862 5335135
644,5 6073174 June 932,5 827,5 706 6319943 5896217 May 918,8 813,7 679,9 6138282 5702574 April 907,6 794 658,6 6086660 5597542 March 892 784,1 663,6 5995189 5556212 February 841,1 731,6 614,2 5652374 5219823 January 833,8 730,7 608,7 5537773 5166450

Influence of the indicator on the standard of living

The indicator is actively used in official statistics, but does not allow adequate to assess the real situation with the income of the population, which is due to the following reasons:

  1. Accrued and paid salary differ in at least the amount of taxes held from the income of the employee. Some enterprises practice the payment of part of wages by their own products, the accounting assessment of which may differ from the real market value.
  2. The incomes of the highest and low-paid workers vary at times. In the IT industry, many experts receive 2-5 thousand rubles, while in the social sphere, education (including pre-school), agriculture massively meet salaries 300 - 500 steering wheel (10 times less).
  3. For an objective assessment of the welfare of the population, along with the average monthly wages, other indicators should be taken into account: the cost of food, utility payments, the dynamics of inflation, the cost of gasoline and public transport services, etc.

In recent years, the country's economic authorities prefer to voice the size of the average salary not in US dollars, as was practiced for a long time, but in national currency. This is carried out in the framework of measures to dedollarizing the economy and reduce its level of dependence on the dynamics of exchange rates.

After the announcement of A. Lukashenko that the banner of the struggle for $ 500 in Belarus again rises, this time - in 2017, Belstat reported on the 2nd consecutive month of its decline: in October she fell again Not only $-Equivalent, but also nominally in BR-rubles. Now to reach a $ 500 salary at least in December 2017, it is necessary that it increases for the year and 2 months more than a third, and that today's dollar has been preserved. What for this will require currency resources and will not come after the 2017 another "2011-y" - not reported.

Moreover, according to the traditional seasonal dynamics of the indicator, the average salary will decrease in November, and taking into account the dollar in the current month - the decline in the $ -vivalent of the November salaries will be quite noticeable. So raising to $ 500 will have to be even lower and for a shorter period.

And already a fall in salaries in real terms, taking into account inflation, and at all for a long time: in the format "Month to the relevant month of the previous year" - 28 months in a row. For the year (October 2016 to October 2015), the real salary fell by 5%, and for 3 years (by October 2013) - by 10.7%.

In October, the average salary in Belarus fell after 4 months of growth

The average accrued (before tax payments) wages in October amounted to BR722.9, which is less than in September. This is a decrease - the 2nd consecutive after the 4th contract of growth of growth. The dynamics of last year is repeated, when in each subsequent autumn month, the fall of the average salary to the previous one was recorded. So, we can expect a decrease in the average salary indicator and in November.

However, a long-term trend in the dynamics of the rated salaries in Belarus is an increase, and the basis of this nominal wage increase is inflationary growth. Over the past 10 years, from October 2006 to October 2016, the average salary increased by 11.7 times.

Historically, the record indicator of the average salary was in the past month, BR750.3, August 2016. And, looking out of the dynamics of the indicator in all previous years, this is the maximum will last until December, traditionally the "salary" month of the year.

Salaries in Belarus over the years of independence: inflationary growth hundreds of millions times

To express today's salary in the 1990 format, without taking into account the denominations passed in Belarus in the 1994th (1:10), 2000th (1: 1000) and 2016 (1: 10,000), then October 2016 salary "This is 72.29 billion rubles, when it was 640 in October 1991, and in December 1990 - 269, then another, Soviet rubles.

That is, a nominal growth in 26 years and 10 months amounted to 269 million times (October 2016 to December 1990). For comparison, in Ukraine - 1.2 million times, in Russia - 80 thousand times: inflation in Belarus for the post-Soviet period has become the highest among all B.SSR countries.

The real salary decreased in October from September to 2.1%, for the year - by 5.0%, and for 3 years - by 10.7%

October average salary nominally lower than September by 1.36%. And since in October, Belstat identified monthly inflation in the amount of 0.80%, then the real salary decreased by 2.1%. This is the second month in a row falling a real salary to the previous month.

In comparison with the corresponding month of last year, the average October salary of 2016 remains lower in real terms: it has become nominally more, in comparison with October 2016, by 5.72% (on BR39.1), but prices for consumer goods and Services for the year (October 16th by October 15th) rose by 11.0%. The result is a real fall of salaries by 5.0%.

In the "minus" zone of the dynamics of real wages (to the relevant month of the previous year) entered in July 2014, there are already 28 months already there, and, apparently, will remain there at least until the end of 2016.

Since in October 2015 there was a minus value (by October 2014), and in October 2014 (by October 2013), then for 3 years the real salary decreased significantly: October 2016 to October 2013 - by 10.7%. This is, so far, the greatest importance of the fall in real wages by 2013 is the last stable and calm year in the region.

$- the equivalent of the average salary in Belarus fell in October for $ 1 - to $ 379

In October, the dollar in Belarus fell by 1.11% (according to the recent courses in the month of trading on the BVFB), and this strengthening of the BR-rubles, with a 1.36% nominal drop in the accrued average salary, compensated for the corresponding decline in its $-equivalent: On average, he fell only to $ 1, to $379 . In October 2015, there were $ 392: a fall for the year, therefore, $ 13 (by 3.3%). The fall for 2 years is much greater than $ 216 (by 36.3%).

Historically, the maximum $ -Equivalent of medium-sized Belarusian salaries - $ 626 in July 2014 (at the rate of the end of the month - on the last in July 2014 BVFB). Obviously, the rejuvenation of the record will not happen for many years. And with the worst development of events (the fall in world oil prices below $ 35, with this - the next collapse of the RR-rubles, and with it - and the BR-rubles) - the level of the crisis months of the devaluation 2011 - below $ 300.

In the 1991th $-Equivalent of Belarusian wages, the average value of the country was less than $ 10 for the then market rate. In the period 1992-94. - 20-30 dollars in the equivalent. Until the mid-2000, the dollar average salary in Belarus was less than $ 100. Although, of course, the purchasing power of the dollar in those years was very high in Belarus.

Goal - $ 500

In Belarus, again, as many years ago, the leadership of the country declared the goal of achieving a $ 500th salary, this time - in 2017. From the October "point" at $ 379 it will have to raise by 32%.

In November, the dollar rose in Belarus (at this point - by 3.05% since the beginning of the month), and since the next traditional nominal fall in the November average of the country's salary is predicted, based on the average long-term dynamics of the figure in Belarus, $ -quivalent next month may It will noticeably decrease, and reach the $ 500 salary even in the distant and "salary" month of 2017 - December - will have to have a lower point.

Given the long-term monthly dynamics of the average salary indicator, it is possible to make an exemplary forecast plan for bringing it to $ 500 to December 2017, and further follow its implementation. At the same time, of course, the main thing is to preserve the stable course of the BR-rubles to the dollar, the weakening of it for the year by no more than 10%, without which anything cannot be about any $ 500.

But even with a stable course, the rise of the average salary indicator looks like a very cool schedule, although it is quite real - but only with economic growth.

Average annual monthly salary in dollars in Belarus - $ 364

The possibility of reaching an average annual monthly salary in Belarus equivalent to $ 500 in 2017 is even less real. Now the average for the last 12 months (from November 2015 to October 2016) the accrued salary is only $ 364. A maximum value remains $ 592 (2014th year).

The third and most powerful wave of falling wage dollar values \u200b\u200bover the past for more than 15 years: 1st was the 2009th after one-time devaluation at the very beginning of the year, 2nd - during the 2011 currency and financial crisis, 3rd - after the devaluation of December 2014 - January 2015.

Previous peak values \u200b\u200bof the average annual salary in $-Equivalent: in 2008 - $ 414 per month, before the crisis of 2011, $ 437 per month. "DNO" due to the global crisis 2008-09. - $ 356, and due to the crisis of 2011 - $ 314.

As can be seen from the schedule, the drop has almost stopped. And according to the results of 2016, the average salary in dollars in Belarus will remain here at these limits - $ 360-370. In 2015, there was $ 418, in 2014 - $ 579, in the superdavaluation 2011 - $ 333, in the crisis 2009 - $ 356, in 2008 - $ 414.

Regional statistics

Traditionally, Minsk salary noticeably exceed regional. The lowest average salary in October - in the Vitebsk region (last month, Mogilevskaya was an outsider).

In October, real salaries have fallen most of all since September also in the Vitebsk region, less than others - in Minsk.

Over the year, the most significant reduction in real salaries occurred in the Gomel region. The smallest - again in the capital.

In $ -Equivalent, the average salary in October decreased in all in areas. In the capital, she grew up (the same was last month). The biggest drop is $-Equivalent in October - in the Vitebsk region.

The dollar equivalent of salaries of Minsk, on average in the city, stably above $ 500 is already 8 months old, when, as in areas of $ 500, the average salary has not shown since the end of 2014.

In addition, from year to year, metropolitan salary exceeds the regional percentage of the increasing percentage: relative to the average salary across the country, the average salary in Minsk in October 2016 is 50% higher. The only area where the average salary is not lower than the average republican is Minsk.

In recent years, the "separation" of Minsk wages are more and more, in the Minsk region, they all the time hesitate around the average level in the country, and in areas - are reduced relative to the average in Belarus.

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