Development problems of the construction industry in russia. Problems of development of the construction complex of Russia Problems in construction and their solutions


The construction industry sets the pace of economic development and is a very significant sector in the economies of many countries of the world. The relevance of this topic is due to the dynamic development of construction services in the past few decades in the global economy. At the same time, this industry reacts very painfully to even insignificant changes in the world market conditions. The article "Some tendencies and prospects for the development of the construction industry in Russia" examines the current state of construction in the country. This is one of the key industries that plays an important role in the Russian economy. Analysis of the state of the construction services market shows the need to support the development of this area. The Russian construction industry has a number of serious difficulties that significantly hamper the development of this service market. The main problems faced by the industry are highlighted and the ways to solve them are presented.

building sector

economic development

strategic industry

1. Andrievskaya K.I. The main trends in the housing construction market in Russia // K. I. Andrievskaya // Scientific community of students of the XXI century. Economic sciences: scientific. electron. magazine. - 2017.- No. 5 (42) - Access mode:

2. Vorozhbit O.Yu. Features of the development of a strategy for the development of the construction industry [Electronic resource] / O.Yu. Vorozhbit // Problems of modern economics: electron. magazine. - 2016. - No. 3 - Access mode:

3. Ishekenova M. A brief overview of the construction industry in the USA, Turkey, China and the EU [Electronic resource] / M. Ishenkova // JSC "Rating Agency of the Regional Financial Center of Almaty" (RA RFCA). - 2016. - Access mode:

4. Kosareva NB, Polyd TD, Puzanov AS, Tumanov AA The housing construction market in Russia: current state and development prospects / NB Kosareva, Etc. Politd, A.S. Puzanov, A.A. Tumanov // Problems of Economics: scientific. electron. magazine. - 2013. - No. 3.

5. Strategy for innovative development of the construction industry of the Russian Federation until 2030 [Electronic resource] / Access mode:

Given the current trends in the development of the world economy, it is vitally important for the economy of each country to have competitive advantages, thanks to which it will develop, both at the national level and in the international arena.

The construction industry sets the pace of economic development and is a very significant sector in the economies of many countries of the world. The relevance of this topic is due to the dynamic development of construction services in the past few decades in the global economy. At the same time, this industry reacts very painfully to even insignificant changes in the world market conditions.

Analyzing the state of the construction services market in the world, several leading countries can be distinguished, such as China, the USA, Turkey, and the EU countries. This is evidenced by the positive dynamics of the share of the construction sector in GDP in these countries (Figure 1).

Price competition plays a decisive role for the development of the modern world market of construction services, which has become the main factor of success for construction companies in a number of countries, such as China and Turkey. As we can see from the data in the table, China's construction industry is the largest in the world. It is not the first year that Chinese construction companies have been occupying the leading positions in the ranking of the Top 250 International Construction Companies.

In Russia, the share of construction is less than 3% of GDP. The Russian economy as a whole today is characterized by a decrease in investment activity due to the outflow of foreign capital, as well as a reduction in investment programs of domestic financial organizations. The high level of inflation led to an increase in interest on loans, which exceeded the level of profitability for the facilities under construction. In such a situation, it became unprofitable for many in Russia to build objects.

Figure 1 - The share of the construction sector in GDP in the countries of the world for 2016, in%.

Source: Atradius, National Bureau of Statistics of China, RA RFCA

After a sharp collapse in 2009, when the growth rate fell to 88.3%, the upward trend in construction production followed and continued for the next two years, the figures rose to 115.4%. Then in 2013 there was a decline, and by 2015 the figure was 97.1%. This year, not only for the construction sector, but also for the economy of the entire country, passed under a sign of uncertainty. The volume of construction work amounted to 5945.5 billion rubles, which is 180 billion rubles less than in 2014, or 2.9%. During this period, the industry finally entered a state of a sluggish recession.

The dynamics of the indicator is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Comparative dynamics of the volume of construction work in 2005-2015, billion rubles

So in different periods of the Russian economy, the construction services market experienced ups and downs, but this area is the most interesting and attractive for investment.

The construction industry is rightfully considered one of the strategic sectors of the Russian economy. The construction sector plays a special role in the economy of the state. According to its characteristics, it is quite capital-intensive, allows the provision of a significant number of jobs, and the product it produces serves to satisfy the basic needs of society, such as housing, urban infrastructure, roads, etc. The presence of scientific and technical, production potential, contributes to the formation of an order for the search for optimal technological solutions, innovative technical developments, which affects the efficiency of the entire economy as a whole.

In the article "Features of the development of a strategy for the development of the construction industry" O. Yu. Vorozhbit writes that "at the present stage, the construction complex in form is a fairly fragmented set of independently functioning economic entities with their own specific characteristics. In terms of economic content, the construction complex is heterogeneous, it is a system of living and materialized labor of organizations and enterprises that ensure the creation of new and modernization of existing fixed assets for production and non-production purposes, and is expressed in the presence of a set of signs. The highlighted fragmentation does not contribute to the effective development of the industry as a whole. Currently, the main tool for the development of the construction industry in a modern state is strategic planning, the key element of which is strategy. "

This once again confirms that the Russian construction industry has a number of serious problems that significantly hinder the development of this service market. Limiting factors also include the following:

Lack of qualified personnel;

Low quality of domestic building materials;

Unsatisfactory level of technical equipment of construction enterprises;

Weak infrastructure in engineering;

Lack of investment, financial investment in the industry;

High inflation rate in the country;

Inaccessibility of credit loans for the population

High housing prices;

Lack of sufficient guarantees from the state;

High taxation.

Quantitative and qualitative transformations are required to facilitate a more efficient solution of the tasks of increasing the volume of housing construction, the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects, which open up opportunities for the development of the industrial and economic potential of the Russian Federation as a whole.

The existing problems led to the creation of such a project as the "Strategy for the innovative development of the construction industry of the Russian Federation until 2030". This document was developed by the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. The main emphasis is placed on the introduction of innovations into the construction industry, which presupposes the formation of a competitive market for construction services. This will help to increase not only the share in the country's GDP, but also serve as an impetus for the development of related sectors of the economy. But unfortunately, this does not solve all the tasks.

The success of the result from the implementation of the strategic goal of the development of the construction industry in Russia depends on many factors, which also cannot be ignored. It is necessary to develop an economic model that would cover a wide range of problems in a variety of conditions. It is necessary to identify the main causes and act on them in a timely manner.

Despite a certain crisis in the construction industry, the issue of development is acutely on the agenda. Now the government is faced with the need to make some adjustments and amendments to the legislation, to strengthen government influence and regulation of this industry. Since the market is directly dependent on the housing construction market, it is necessary to intensify the development of this particular direction, which will expand the volume of finishing and repair work, as well as solve many social problems related to providing people with safe and decent housing.

Measures to solve these problems also largely depend on the support of consumers from the state, the establishment of unchanged technical regulation standards, the development of risk management techniques in construction, the adoption by the state under its control and the implementation of priority social and housing programs. The construction industry needs a whole range of measures to update the reproductive potential of the country, to form the production and social infrastructure.

In addition, the state of the industry can be improved through the effective integration of the Russian construction services market into the global one, which requires both an increase in its internal competitiveness and the integration of Russian companies into the organizational field of international legal regulation in the industry under study. Particularly strategically important is the development of economic cooperation between Russian business entities of the construction market with the world's leading construction companies. In addition, such integration will allow attracting foreign capital to finance Russian projects.

In all the variety of types of commercial activities, construction has been and remains one of the leading industries. It has a decisive influence on the development of a huge number of related branches of material production. Despite certain difficulties, the construction sector has many prospects for further development. But the presence of serious problems slows it down significantly. More than ever, the construction industry needs immediate help to keep things going. Timely action is essential for the successful functioning of not only this area, but the economy as a whole.

Bibliographic reference

Kahn D.-. SOME TRENDS AND PROSPECTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA // International student scientific bulletin. - 2017. - No. 2 .;
URL: (date accessed: 01/15/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… .. 3

Modern problems of construction ………………………………………… 4

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… 14

References ………………………………………………………… ... 15


Building is shaping buildings, structures and structures , as well as in place of demolishedcapital construction projects.

The objects of construction are:

  • building - volumetric construction systems that have aboveground and (or) underground parts, including premises, engineering support networks and engineering support systems and intended for the residence and (or) activities of people, location of production, storage of products or keeping animals,
  • constructions - volumetric, planar or linear construction systems that have above-ground, above-ground and (or) underground parts, consisting of load-bearing and, in some cases, enclosing building structures and designed to perform various types of production processes, storage of products, temporary stay of people, movement of people and cargo:
  • towers, towers, cooling towers,
  • reservoirs,
  • power lines,

Construction at all times has been a laborious and complex process that has many problems.

What are the problems of the current modern construction? Since the demand for housing today is growing almost every day, this also gives rise to an increased supply from developer companies, which leads to serious competition in the real estate and construction market.

This applies to both urban apartment building and the construction of suburban housing, and the problems in the first and second cases are very similar to each other.

One of the main problems that many construction companies face today is the lack of highly qualified personnel, especially the so-called universal specialists, as well as specialists in construction workers.

As a result, construction companies have to resort to using the labor force of so-called guest workers, which does not always reflect well on the quality of construction work, as well as on their timing.

However, many developers continue to use the labor of visitors, since it is very beneficial for the developer company in economic terms.

Modern construction problems

Construction has always been a complex and labor-intensive process.

And it always had many different problems. And what about today's construction, in modern living conditions? This article will tell you about it.

Since the demand for living space today is growing, as they say, by leaps and bounds, there is also a high supply from various developer companies, and this, in turn, leads to tough competition, which is present in the construction market and real estate. This applies both to multi-apartment construction in the city and to the construction of houses outside the city. At the same time, the problems in both cases are quite similar to each other.

The main problem that construction companies are faced with today is the lack of truly qualified and competent personnel in their field, especially “universal” professionals, specialists in construction workers. As a result, construction companies resort to the use of the labor force of "guest workers", and this often results in the low quality of the construction work carried out and in the timing of these works. But many of the developers continue the trend of using the labor of newcomers to earn money for people from the near abroad. This is due to the financial benefits for the company in this regard. 1

The current difficult economic situation has also had a rather negative impact on modern construction.

Due to the financial crisis, many of the construction companies cut some of their staff, and this, naturally, led to certain problems in the work of the company.

Those employees who were fired due to the crisis could not find work, and began to look for income, playing various slot machines, in online casinos, and so on, thus losing their last money for existence.

It seems that it is not a great secret for anyone that the official actions of the authorities to close the casino and liquidate slot machines in order to solve the problem of gambling addiction did not help. Instead of casinos, online gambling appeared. They are "obsessed" by millions of people who use the Internet, and among them, unfortunately, there are many honored engineers, as well as professional and competent builders.

Construction today is going through a rather difficult stage of its development.

Although, in principle, like many other areas of modern industry. Brigades of builders - "shabashniks" are now appearing next to large companies that are engaged in construction. They are, albeit a small, but quite close-knit group that offers the implementation of almost all types of repair and construction work, and in a fairly short time.

Such construction teams offer their turnkey construction services.

Today they can be seen, probably, in absolutely any city.

But if you want to hire just such a team for construction work at your home, you should approach the choice of a contractor team with all seriousness and attention. In addition, you must be prepared to constantly and fully monitor the construction process at all stages.

Otherwise, you simply run the risk of being left with poorly constructed housing.

This modern construction problem is very, very urgent for the population of the country today. 2

If we consider modern construction and modern construction problems on the scale of urban construction in the country, then it should be noted the problem of development and reconstruction of central territories in cities, which require the re-profiling of their functions for today's needs.

Such territories include storage port spaces in port cities, territories occupied by various industrial enterprises or dilapidated buildings of historical and architectural value.

With total urbanization and the development of cities in the country, those territories that were once outskirts are becoming central parts of cities. Therefore, due to the location of such territories, many factors appear that form the concept of development and reconstruction.

The first such factor is the economic value of the land plot, because the more expensive the land is, the more money the investor seeks to receive from construction on it.

The next factor is the poor environmental situation in city centers, especially large ones.

The centers of all large cities today are urbanized territorial areas, which are networks of narrow streets, small courtyards that are not illuminated and there is no greenery.

In the courtyards, due to the fact that the houses are too closely built up, the sun's rays do not enter.

In this regard, there is always a shade and it is always damp there. On the streets, traffic jams and congestions are formed all the time, which give rise to a high level of gas pollution.

The couple of trees that are here are simply not able to absorb all this exhaust gases and release enough pure oxygen. Therefore, where there is a possibility of reconstruction, ecologists want to see islets of green vegetation, parks that are attractive from the point of view of the health of urban residents and their recreation. 3

The struggle between urbanists, who are investors, and de-urbanists, who are environmentalists, is a very urgent problem today. Indeed, in developed countries, they are already seriously engaged in the environmental friendliness of architecture, and in developing countries they are still striving to get the highest possible benefit from the land plot.

These are the main modern problems of construction and those that are generated by construction.

The authorities of our country, no doubt, should pay their close attention to them.

Construction - production associated with the creation of new and modernization of existing fixed assets for production and other purposes.

The end product of construction activities is real estate in the form of houses or structures.

Operation of objects is possible when their proper quality is ensured during production. Quality parameters today are established by a system of technical regulation acts, in the form of still valid building codes, GOSTs and technical specifications.

The regulation of relations in construction today is carried out by acts of technical regulation that do not contain legal norms. The process of regulating relations is based on the application of technical norms, not legal norms. A rule of law in a legal torment is a rule of conduct that is sanctioned, established by the state and protected from violations by means of state coercion measures.

A legal norm is a kind of social norm that regulates socially significant behavior of members of society. 4

Technical norms are not social and do not have legal significance, since they determine the procedure for people to handle tools and objects of labor, other objects of the material world or the forces of nature.

Violation of technical regulations does not in itself lead to legal liability.

The main form of presentation of such norms is state standards that establish mandatory requirements for products, production processes, etc.

Clause 3.4 of the letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 03.06.1993 No. 08-09 / 307, clause 15 of the Clarifications on the Application of the Rules for the Preparation of Normative Legal Acts of Federal Executive Bodies and Their State Registration, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice dated April 17, 1998 No. 42, it is indicated that GOSTs, SNiPs, SanPiNs are acts of a normative and technical nature that do not contain legal norms.

Legal liability arises only when the rules of law are violated.

Only social and legal norms are able to regulate social relations, while technical norms relate only to the field of technology and are the subject of various kinds of technical science.

The main problems slowing down the development of the construction complex in Russia are: lack of funding, lack of sites with prepared infrastructure in many regions, low level of management in construction, poor organization of work, technological backwardness of the Russian construction complex.

The lack of funding is understood as the low effective demand of the population, lack of funds from developers at the construction stage, lack of support for the construction of social and infrastructure facilities at the expense of the budget. The factor of budgetary financing of housing construction is significant only in certain regions: Moscow, the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. In other regions, budgets play a much more modest role in financing the industry. When analyzing the situation in the industry, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the production of products. It can take two years or even more from the moment of making a decision on building up to the commissioning of an object. It is obvious that long-term money is needed to carry out construction projects. As a result, large organizations with access to long-term sources of funding are the most competitive here. In cities, there is a lack of areas ready for construction. In this case, the investment cycle can last five to six years and requires large investments. As a rule, private investors do not undertake the development of areas where it is necessary to create infrastructure. The simultaneous presence of problems with financing and areas prepared for construction practically excludes the possibility of accelerated development of the industry in the medium term.

The optimal organization of regional construction is a small number of large organizations acting as general contractors and the possibility of free entry for builders from other regions. The high level of monopolization of the industry and the presence of barriers to entry for enterprises from other regions reduce economic incentives for market participants and, as a rule, indicate a cohesion of interests between business and local authorities.

Experts note that there are practically no specialists in the industry who would have knowledge of construction technologies and management skills. The lack of construction workers is forcing the majority of construction firms to employ guest workers. The point is not only the cheapness of their labor, but also the elementary shortage of workers.

Depreciation of fixed assets of enterprises in the construction industry is 30% -60%. Renewal of funds is necessary for almost all construction companies, otherwise, with an increase in the pace of construction, the utilization of local enterprises will remain at the level of 30-35%. The rest will be produced by more competitive foreign and nonresident companies.

Many problems of the construction industry are being solved at the regional level. The specifics of the industry and the current level of development of the country's economy do not allow the state to leave the construction markets. The development of the sector is possible by improving the performance of construction companies. For construction organizations, priority areas of activity should be improving management, expanding the planning horizon and more accurately taking into account market requirements. Local and regional governments need to develop long-term programs to expand construction finance opportunities.

E.A. Kondyukova Naberezhnye Chelny branch of IEM

From the editorial board of "RN": A very frank and substantive speech by the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Nikolaevich Slyunyaev at the meeting of the Presidium of the Collegium of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia on July 26, 2013 in St. Petersburg.

At the meeting, the main directions of development of the building materials industry and industrial housing construction, training in the construction and housing and communal services industries, the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 600 and the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of December 12, 2012 in the regions of North -Western Federal District.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I am glad to welcome the members of the Collegium and guests to St. Petersburg at the meeting of the Presidium of the Collegium of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. I would like to thank everyone who responded to our invitation. Special thanks to Georgy Sergeevich Poltavchenko for his help in organizing this event.

By tradition, we have a rich agenda today. One of the main topics for discussion is the development of the building materials industry.

The implementation of the state's strategic objectives for socio-economic development largely depends on the efficiency of this sector of the economy. The industry forms the infrastructure, helps in the implementation of capital-intensive investment projects. Industrial, transport, road and housing construction depends on the building materials industry. The quality and cost of each object also directly depends on the degree of development of the building materials industry.

What problems in this industry are typical for today?

At first, this is a shortage of modern production facilities, as well as insufficient production volumes.

Despite the positive dynamics of the socio-economic development of recent years in our country, when comparing the indicators of 2008 and 2012 for the production of most building materials, there is a significant decrease in production volumes. In particular, for nonmetallic materials for five years, such a decrease exceeded 4%, for wall materials - 15%, for prefabricated reinforced concrete - by 16%, we reduced production volumes, for roofing materials - 31%. Growth is noted only in the production of architectural glass (+ 11.9%) and cement (+ 14.9%).

Our expectation that preparations for such large-scale events as the APEC Forum in Vladivostok, the Universiade in Kazan, the Olympics in Sochi will have a significant impact on the development of the building materials industry, unfortunately, was not justified.

We have failed to develop the building materials industry. Instead of new industries, local monopolies arose, which immediately responded to the increased demand by increasing prices for construction materials and work. And the modernization of existing production facilities is not very active.

In preparation for such a forum as APEC, building materials, in particular finishing materials, concrete, were mainly purchased in China, we are already 30 times behind the People's Republic of China in cement production!

For reference: In 2010, the volume of world cement production amounted to 3.3 billion tons, of which 1.7 billion tons falls on the People's Republic of China. In Russia, at the end of 2012, cement production amounted to 61.5 million tons.

Second problem- this is a low quality of products, the use of outdated technologies. And often such technologies are not only outdated, but also ineffective.

80% of cement is still produced by the wet method, which entails not only low product quality, but also high production costs and a heavy load on the energy infrastructure.

The share of enterprises implementing technological innovations is only 8%. For comparison: in other manufacturing industries this indicator exceeds the indicator of the construction industry by more than 2 times.We are seriously lagging behind foreign achievements in the field of chemical additives and modifiers for concrete, bitumen, building plastics, paints, foaming agents, protective coatings, woodworking and ceramics ...

The technologies used are not always effective. 80% of buildings and structures in the country are manufactured using monolithic concrete. Good, fast technology, but it does not provide year-round cyclical work. At the same time, the traditional material - wood and its derivatives - is still the "lot" of private traders.

The third problem- this is an irrational territorial distribution of production facilities and, as a result, high transport costs, which fall on the cost of both building materials and construction work. And as a result, they negatively affect the cost of objects.

The main enterprises of the construction industry are concentrated in the Central and Southern federal districts, in the Volga region and in the western regions of the Urals.
Manufactures are often created chaotically, interregional competition is intensifying, although it would be more logical to develop interregional industrial cooperation in the construction materials industry.

In some regions of Siberia and the Far East, building complex enterprises are absent within a radius of a thousand kilometers.

There are 5 cement plants in the Far East today. Almost all glass and roofing materials are imported either from abroad or from other regions of Russia. As a result, transportation costs in the construction costs are very significant - about 18%. And in some regions they are comparable to the cost of the building materials themselves.

In list other problems of the construction industry- lack of long-term money for rearmament, shortage of new machines, mechanisms, equipment, imperfection of the state order system,

which often makes the production of cheap, but not always high-quality materials more profitable, and even more profitable is the purchase of such materials outside the Russian Federation.

A comprehensive plan for the modernization of the construction industry until 2020 was supposed to be the Strategy for the Development of the Building Materials Industry and Industrial House Building, which we approved in 2011, as well as regional programs for the development of the construction industry. However, having quite accurately determined the state of the industry, the Strategy did not contribute to the development of mechanisms for practical stimulation of the construction industry and did not become a general plan for the development of the industry.

Most of the regional programs have also failed to produce the expected results. Many of them contain neither an analysis of the resource base of the territories, nor an understanding of the prospects for the needs of building materials, there is no understanding of the sale of products outside the region. I made a decision to update the Strategy, and today in the Ministry of Regional Development there is a special Working Group headed by Deputy Minister of Regional Development Sergei Alekseevich Vakhrukov.

The new version of the document should take into account the Settlement Scheme and become an integral part of the Scheme for the allocation of productive forces. This document will be based on a study of the sales market and proper calculations, will ensure the relationship of natural resource potentials, programs for the development of industries and territories with the national interests of the Russian Federation.

When determining the main directions for the development of the construction industry, we must take into account not only the tasks in the field of housing, but also projects in the field of industrial, civil construction, plans for the creation and reconstruction of roads, airports, seaports, sports and cultural facilities; infrastructure megaprojects at promising points of economic growth - in Siberia, the Far East, the Arctic zone, the Kaliningrad region, the North Caucasus; as well as regional investment programs, each of which is directly related to construction.
To implement these tasks, new approaches to construction technologies are also required. Technologies and materials should be of high quality, economical and energy efficient.

One of the promising areas is the construction of industrial and civil facilities, roads and railways from prefabricated prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. This experience is widely used in the world and allows you to work all year round and in a short time to implement large-scale capital-intensive projects.

In modern Russia, there are more than 200 house-building factories and enterprises for the production of reinforced concrete products. Only a few of them have modern production facilities, and the load often does not exceed 30%. Subject to rapid modernization and the availability of government orders, these enterprises are able to multiply the volume of industrial production.

government orders for the modernization of existing and creation of new precast concrete production facilities can be formed in the near future. For example, during the construction of a high-speed railway line Moscow-Kazan; bridge crossing over the Lena in Yakutia;

a tunnel or overpass connecting Sakhalin Island with the mainland; during the construction of the Central Ring Road; when modernizing Trassib; as part of the preparation of facilities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The task of implementing these projects was set by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

The use of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures makes it possible to build the Moscow-Kazan road in just 2 years from the date of completion of the design of this facility and to ensure a 25-30 percent reduction in the cost of the facility itself, in comparison with the technologies traditional for today.

The implementation of the project will contribute to the creation of thousands of jobs and will be an effective stimulus for the development of the building materials industry. Another possibility is integrated development or integrated implementation of capital-intensive projects. For example, during the construction of a railway, as a rule, a temporary technological road is built.

Having incorporated into the design solution an increased bearing capacity, modern axial loads, it is possible to obtain simultaneously, practically for the same money, not one, but two objects - a railway and a highway. And coordination with the programs of natural monopolies will allow, in a mode of significant savings, to create or modernize linear facilities: from power lines and pipeline transport for gas and oil workers, to the creation of fiber-optic lines.

On the basis of the updated Strategy of the building materials industry, it is necessary to propose an effective set of measures to stimulate the development and re-equipment of the entire construction complex. The federal target program for the development of the building materials industry can become a tool for implementing the Strategy.

Within the framework of the FTP, it is necessary to apply various models of attracting investments into the construction complex:

  • - PPP mechanisms;
  • - subsidizing interest rates;
  • - tax incentives;
  • - provision of land plots;
  • - new depreciation policy;
  • - raising funds through long-term infrastructure bonds.

In order to replicate re-use projects, coordinate the actions of authorities and assist regions in obtaining state support, I also consider it necessary to create an Industrial House Building Center under the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

The effective development of a modern construction complex is impossible without the training of professional personnel and the achievements of industry science. The second issue on the agenda of the meeting of the Board Presidium is devoted to this topic.

The construction industry employs about 5.3 million people, or more than 7% of the economically active population of the country.

If the higher education system is still at the very least cope with the training of engineers, designers, prospectors, the level of secondary vocational education practically does not fulfill its functions.

Practitioners are well aware that the preparation of the chief project architect, chief project engineer begins long before the practical work on the site. Five years after graduation is necessary in order to prepare a full-fledged specialist - the chief architect or chief engineer of the project.

All this is explained by the low prestige of blue-collar occupations, and the outdated vocational training system, low salaries of teachers.

I believe that in order to solve the problem of a shortage of qualified personnel in the industry, it is necessary, first of all, to develop and approve professional standards, educational standards for construction specialties, to form a system of state orders for personnel training and to create conditions for attracting investments into this system, to establish systematic work with young people, ensure, together with the constituent entities of the Federation, the development of special educational programs in higher and secondary educational institutions related to the development of modern technologies and materials on the territory of each constituent entity of the Federation.

Perhaps one should think about the use of so-called "linked contracts" when, together with new technology, requirements are developed for the training of personnel in the safe and efficient operation of machines, mechanisms and equipment.

Similar tasks are facing us in the housing and communal services sector. Only in contrast to the construction complex, we cannot clearly say how many workers in the housing and communal services sector are today. According to some data, this is 2 million people, according to others - 5 million people. But the saddest thing is that in the list of specialties such a specialty as a specialist in housing and communal services does not exist at all.

The deficit of professionally trained personnel is estimated by us at 60% and is felt not only among employees of the communal complex, but also among management companies: specialists, managers for planning, attracting investments, quality management.

In the housing and communal services industry, it is also necessary to develop professional educational standards and introduce modern and comprehensive educational programs. We started this work.

Third question of the College- implementation in the subjects of the North-West Federal District of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, No. 600 and the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of December 12, 2012.

Summing up the results of the work at the Collegium of the Ministry of Regional Development on these key, strategic documents for us has become a permanent practice for us. We have already reviewed the implementation of the Decree and the Address in the Central Federal District and the Far East. The Northwestern Federal District is on the agenda today.

Unfortunately, this is one of the few federal districts that, at the end of 2012, showed negative dynamics in housing construction (99.4% of the 2011 level).

The targets for housing commissioning, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, have been achieved only in 3 out of 11 constituent entities of the Okrug. The plan was fulfilled in the Republic of Karelia (102.2%), in St. Petersburg (109.6%) and the Leningrad region (100.33%).

Most of the other subjects of the Federation have significant lags.

In fairness, however, it should be noted that this year the situation is getting better. At the end of January-May 2013, the volume of housing construction in the North-West District increased by 1.5 times compared to the corresponding period last year (146.6% compared to January-May 2012).
One of the most informative indicators is the annual housing commissioning per capita.

There is a significant differentiation in the constituent entities of the Federation that are part of the Northwestern Federal District. On behalf of the President, we must reach the construction index: 1 sq. m. per one inhabitant of the Russian Federation.

Good performance for this indicator is in the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In 2012, these subjects of the Federation put into operation more than 0.6 square meters of housing per person. The indicators in the city of St. Petersburg and the Novgorod region are higher than the national average values: 0.51 and 0.48 square meters per person, respectively. For the rest of the subjects of the Northwestern Federal District, extremely unsatisfactory values ​​are noted.

In addition, the Northwestern Federal District, along with the Far East, has the highest prices in the Russian Federation on the housing market. As of June 1, 2013, the average price per square meter of housing on the primary market in the constituent entities of the North-West District was 53 thousand rubles. This is about 20% higher than the average for Russia.

For reference: the average price of 1 sq. m in the primary market in the Russian Federation - 44.1 thousand rubles, in the Central Federal District - 48.8 thousand rubles, in the Far Eastern Federal District - 54.1 thousand rubles.

One of the key tasks set before us in the framework of the 600th Decree of the President of the Russian Federation is the resettlement of emergency housing.

Just the other day (July 23), the President of the Russian Federation signed the Federal Law, which is aimed at prolonging the Fund's activities, at improving the mechanisms for resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock. By September 1, 2017, we must liquidate all emergency housing stock recognized as such on January 1, 2012.

In the Northwestern Federal District, the area of ​​emergency housing is 2.3 million square meters.

You are well aware of other priority tasks set before us by the 600th Decree and the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly. It:

  • - development of mortgages and the creation of special mortgage conditions for certain categories of citizens;
  • - formation of the rental housing market;
  • - improving the living conditions of large families;
  • - liberalization of the land market for integrated development;
  • - improving the quality of housing and communal services.

I hope that all these issues will be reflected in the reports of my colleagues. We will be informed about the progress of this work in the constituent entities of the Northwestern Federal District.

Construction at all times has been a laborious and complex process that has many problems. What are the problems of the current modern construction? Since the demand for housing today is growing almost every day, this also gives rise to an increased supply from developer companies, which leads to serious competition in the real estate and construction market. This applies to both urban apartment building and the construction of suburban housing, and the problems in the first and second cases are very similar to each other.

One of major problems which many construction companies face today is lack of highly qualified personnel , especially the so-called universal specialists, as well as specialists in construction workers. As a result, construction companies have to resort to using the labor force of so-called guest workers, which does not always reflect well on the quality of construction work, as well as on their timing. However, many developers continue to use the labor of visitors, since for the developer company it is very beneficial in economic terms.

Very negatively affected modern construction and the current difficult economic situation ... Due to the economic crisis, many construction companies are forced to cut most of the staff , which naturally entails some difficulties in the work of a construction company.

Along with large construction companies, so-called "shabashniks" brigades are emerging today, which are a small but close-knit team that performs almost all types of construction and repair work, and in a fairly short time.

Such brigades, which offer turnkey construction, can be found today in almost any city. However, in this case, it is necessary to be very careful about the choice of such a construction team-contractor, as well as to fully control the construction process at all its stages. Otherwise, the customer simply runs the risk of getting poor-quality housing as a result.

Low-rise construction problems.

Fewer floors means less benefit. Another serious problem is that low-rise construction is less profitable for investors.

There is a fairly simple pattern - the more floors are built, the more profit will be. In addition to this, for multi-storey projects, our authorities usually use investment contract schemes, on the basis of which the land, one might say, is transferred to the project for free: the payment for it is collected in the form of a part of the constructed apartments. The investor developer does not spend any money on land at the initial stage and receives good benefits.

In the segment of low-rise construction, it is not very profitable to use investment contract schemes. If in multi-storey buildings some of the apartments can later be distributed among those on the waiting list, then no one is ready to give people separate houses.

Multi-storey housing is being built and sold rather quickly, and this allows the authorities to report more quickly on the square meters introduced. With one-story construction, things are more complicated in this regard.

Floors and law

The problem associated with the construction of high-rise buildings instead of low-rise buildings could be solved by the division of territories into zones prescribed by law.

In the absence of a zone on which to build houses, for example, above 4 floors it is impossible, everything will be done 14. Therefore, we need a modern master plan and building rules adopted as law, but by a representative authority that understands the expert community, and not the executive power.

Problems with high-rise construction in Russia

The construction of high-rise buildings in large cities of Russia has become a real problem, due to the lack of generally accepted standards for the construction of high-rise buildings.

Recently, there has been more and more talk about the construction of high-rise buildings. This is due to three reasons: the increasing availability of high building technologies, dense development in the central regions of large cities and the unfilled niche of high-rise construction. To date, in addition to Moscow, cities such as St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara and others have faced the problem of high-rise construction. This problem is more relevant than ever today, because in a period of economic crisis it is sometimes more profitable to build one high-rise building than a whole complex of buildings with a lower number of storeys, although the area received in both cases will be the same. In Russia, there are still no generally accepted norms for the construction of high-rise buildings, therefore, to resolve emerging issues, each of the cities follows its own path.

Numerous difficulties stand in the way of local authorities and architects in their desire to build skyscrapers. After all, their maintenance requires a lot of highly qualified specialists who must constantly monitor the technical condition of the skyscraper. Also, the lack of architects and construction companies competent in this area of ​​construction affects the implementation of the plan. The technical support of a skyscraper must be modern and must meet all safety requirements, and in small towns there is no opportunity to ensure these requirements.

The construction of skyscrapers is hampered by another significant problem - there are often cases when developers have no place to undergo an examination of the documentation for the construction of high-rise buildings and structures of the first category, and so far, appropriate building codes for such objects have not been developed.

Construction difficulties

In recent years, the construction industry has been increasing its turnover. In the first half of this year, the volume of construction in the country compared to the same period last year increased by 25.5%. On the one hand, we can say that construction in Russia is developing rapidly and is a very profitable industry. However, if you look at the other side of the coin, the number of problems associated with construction often outweighs the lucrative prospects.

Already at the stage of launching the project, the first difficulties arise. The first reason for them is the timing of the approval. For example, for a 100-apartment residential building, it is required to obtain from 170 to 180 approvals. The entire approval process takes about a year on average. So it is often faster to build a building than to complete all the necessary paperwork. This not only increases the delivery time of the object, but can also lead to an increase in the value of real estate. The rise in prices for industrial and residential premises can be said to be catastrophic.

The cost of square meters in large cities can double in a year. Therefore, the struggle for the affordability of housing has already moved to the government level. The creation of a “one-stop shop” system can improve the situation. In this case, builders could immediately receive all the necessary permits. Now construction companies are required to undergo 13 examinations and collect about 180 signatures. Based on this, few of the customers are concerned about the registration of all permits. Large contractors take over this service. This allows you to correctly design each document and not miss anything.

Solving the problem of energy efficient construction in Russia

The problem of growing utility costs today is more relevant than ever for Russians, which is especially noticeable during the heating season. The reserves for reducing costs lie in the modernization of heat supply systems and a decrease in heat loss through the building envelope.

The first step in the modernization of residential buildings and industrial facilities is the dismantling of wooden windows, through which up to 20% of the heat is emitted, and their replacement with modern heat-saving metal-plastic structures.

An important element of the modernization program is also the thermal insulation of roofs and facades, as well as the replacement of translucent structures. Creation of energy-efficient residential buildings with modern energy-saving installations: equipment, building insulation, energy-saving windows. As experts predict, this approach will save 20-30% of the population's funds.

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