Cash flow open magic. How to open a cash flow at home. Why the money channel is closed

Prestigious work, career growth, high stable salary, own business - this is what indicates a successful, modern woman. All this is good, but! The universe has decreed that the constantmaterial well-beingcomes to a woman not through work or financial achievements, but through pleasure and . And unfortunately, if a woman gets too caught up in the “male” games of achievement, then graduallydepletes your cash flowand loses what was given with such difficulty.

Today you will learn to distinguish the subtle connections that exist between female nature and prosperity. Learn how to producecash flow activationand take the first steps towards yourself: a woman who is loved by money, men and the Universe.

Read the article to the end and you will find out the easiest, proven and interesting wayrestore cash flow via Games. But first, let's figure out how a woman, by her own actions, prevents herself from receiving benefits from the Universe.

How Male Energy Blocks Your Cash Flow

A successful woman is one who works (sometimes two jobs), manages the family, takes care of the household, spends money economically. She knows exactly when and where to shop. He even chooses a shirt for his husband, jeans for his teenage son on his own. Do you recognize yourself?

Such a woman monthly saves money in an account or in a casket. She is confident in her abilities and knows that the financial well-being of the family depends only on her.

And yet such a woman does a manicure at home, changes her hair once a year, does not buy new shoes in the spring and buys new things only in case of emergency. The economy must be economical!

And more often than not, the cash flow of such a thrifty woman remains weak and intermittent. And in order to maintain the desired standard of living, you need to make more and more efforts. So a woman goes further and further away from her light playful nature ...

How to restore cash flow

The morning of a woman who gets everything she wants begins with a smile and a good mood. She is confident that she can do anything. Its sourceinspirationis the beauty of the world. She always notices a barely noticeable rainbow after the rain, air clouds before sunset. He hears the flight of a butterfly, feels the warmth of the autumn sun with his whole body.

Having received the energy of the Cosmos, a woman distributes to others: colleagues, children, beloved man. She is sure that her husband wants and can provide her with everything she needs. And if there is no worthy one nearby, she waits. The princess knows that her hero is already looking for her and is readytake care, gifts moneyfrom a loved one.

A woman always takes care of herself. Looks neat, beautiful, attractive. She believes that the Universe will provide her with everything just because she is a Woman.

In her life constant cash flow, stable and working to attract money, love and good luck in her life. She often finds money on the street - a gift from the Universe. Unfamiliar men give her flowers or pay for purchases in the store. A woman does what she loves, which brings a lot of joy and fully provides. The life of such a woman is like a fairy tale! But in fact, behind her success are regular and easy actions that allow you to instantlyboost cash flow. It remains quite a bit, I'll tell you what these actions are!

The most money ritual to attract money and not only

Unfortunately, the 20th century brought a lot of hardships to a woman's life. She was forced to perform both female and male roles at the same time. The struggle for survival was passed down with mother's milk to modern girls and girls. But today we should return to the roots and stop constantly playing male roles.

To have a lot of money you do not need to work hard and hard. For this you need to becomefeminine, soft, fragile and abundant. Only an abundant woman is able to become a magnet and perform money rituals with every action to attract good luck, success and, in fact, money. Here are the 7 main qualities that an abundant woman possesses:

  1. Love yourself.
  2. Believe in a Higher Power.
  3. Let a man take care of you.
  4. Love nature and find sources of positive energy in it.
  5. Do what you love.
  6. Don't do what you don't like.
  7. To be a source of strength for men and children.

And I want to invite you to a magical which allows you to naturally awaken female power and restore cash flow in three weeks. All you have to do is listen carefully to the video tutorials and do your homework responsibly.

The Money Fairy game allows you to start a wave of your luck and open up a cash flow at home - all you need is a good internet connection! These magical changes will happen to you already during the game “Money Fairy”:

  • You will be able to create "happy accidents" in your life
  • You will stop trying to change yourself and finally accept your Divine nature and love yourself for who you are.
  • You will start to respect yourself and everyone around you will feel it.
  • You will learn to say STOP to guilt and stop depending on someone else's mood.
  • You will learn the most effective emotional defense tactics to preserve your energy and strength.
  • You will learn the secret technology that triggers the events you need
  • You will learn how to change reality when something goes wrong
  • You will get rid of dependence on someone else's opinion and begin to live your own life.

But this is only a small part! Start very soon, follow the link below to learn more about the Game!

I wish you become a woman who loves money as soon as possible!

“Wealth does not belong to the one who owns it, but to the one who knows how to enjoy it”

Benjamin Franklin

Is money easy?
Money is easy...
Money is easy!

Which of these three options does this phrase sound in your head? Question? Doubt? Statement?

This is the first test of your beliefs about money...

Many of our readers are concerned about the question: How to open a cash flow?

Today we will look into this. From my personal experience and , I see that the path from question to statement is much easier than many people think.

Now the new time has come. The time when lightness is the energy of every person and for the most part this energy is on the money channel. This can be seen when calculating the personal matrix of each.

What determines the ease in the sphere of your money?

We all want to live easily and joyfully. Ask everyone what they dream about and hear: “If I had more money, then ...”

All our dreams and desires revolve around money. Rather, they are repelled by their number. We think that when ... then ... In fact, everything is quite the opposite in this world! Today you will discover the simple secrets of interacting with the energy of money. These are the secrets of lightness.

Choose the state of enjoyment from money: those that you have now and those that you see in the lives of other people. Choose to feel joy when interacting with money. This state will open your financial flow and expand it.

Relax inside regarding money. Just know that when you are relaxed, you are open to everything, you are in joy, then you yourself become a channel. When you are relaxed, money flows easily through you, through all of your 72,000 energy channels. Relax inside, trust the loving Universe and continue to perform actions in the physical world, even the same ones, but in a different state. You will see new results very quickly.

Example. The guys-musicians in the St. Petersburg metro before our eyes showed such an incredible example of relaxation, enjoying their game, a state of joy, lightness and drive from what they did, that many people gratefully gave them money.

reverse example, when you see musicians exhausted by the "hardships of life", as if asking for charity to evaluate their work. What do you feel? A pity? Pity does not bring lightness. Pity stings and nullifies the strength of the one it is directed at. Pity is not the best adviser to help people.People are strong - believe in their strength, not weakness. But that's a topic for another article.

So, the second principle of ease - choose to interact with money through a state of joy, pleasure and love.

3. Your ability to play is important. Learn it from the kids

Many times you have heard and read: “Our whole life is a game!” But this motto works wonderfully in life. How much do you feel like a player in your life? Or is life for you an incredibly serious action?

What is it like for you to play, not to bother with something, to see a thousand easy decisions in everything. Remember your childhood - the "money" is over - you picked the leaves and you continue to play"))). It works even now. When you realize that it's all a game, that you've chosen to live each experience to feel it, learn from it, and move on by choosing something completely new.

Every moment of your life you are already different and, accepting all the previously selected experiences (realizing that they bring you some knowledge about you), you can easily immediately choose another way to obtain the same knowledge. You choose the rules of your life.

Feel the new taste of life while playing. You simply choose your new rules, new roles and new scenarios. You realize who is the main scriptwriter of your life.

Open your heart to life, perceiving everything with humor, joy, interest. Be like children!

The opposite of this statement is also valid - we can easily and through any game solve and release many programs and beliefs of the past. In the game, you can solve any life issues and see non-standard solutions, get incredible tips and direction .. This is a very exciting process that requires honesty and responsibility.

Example. We recently played a very common business board game like Monopoly. The game developed very quickly: the players bought enterprises and created concerns, and I got either gifts from the bank, then a vacation in a hotel, or winnings at the casino. At first it was joyful from these moments, but looking at how quickly all the real estate “hands on” dispersed, I became sadder and sadder ...

There were thoughts that soon I would have to go to the sites of others and pay them a lot of money for this, but there were no sources of income of my own yet ... The tension from these thoughts came to the body, the game no longer seemed so fun, in the players I saw unfriendly, negotiating between dishonest bankers, and at some point I even felt like continuing this action that did not please me. Tears came to my throat and I said that enough is enough, I don’t play like that anymore))).

Choose the presence of money in your life - and everything will work out!

Intensives Pro Money And Pro Money 2- changes in the field of money, come already in the course of the course!

What happened? I took everything that happened way too seriously. And it happens very often in life too. After thinking, relaxing, I realized that my thoughts led me to such a state. Thoughts of fear and condemnation. Thoughts of distrust in the world and disbelief in oneself ...

My thoughts brought me here, so we choose “new rules” - we choose new thoughts and states. I relax, breathe, trust every move and let go of all expectations. Let everything happen as it should happen. I accept to find positive moments in everything - these are my new rules.

You can’t even imagine, only I chose it, how miracles began to happen - my intuition pointed me to the fraud of another player and he chose to leave the game. New opportunities opened up for me, ideas began to come about cooperation with others on mutually beneficial terms for us, gifts continued to arrive, and as a result, having received additional “a few lessons in choosing new thoughts”, I finished the game with another million euros.

The world showed me that it is worth paying attention to thoughts, freeing myself from judgments and evaluations, how I am being led along a path that my mind could not foresee initially, when it calculated my “gloomy future” and was upset in advance.

So, the third principle of ease - play in life and live life awareness in the game, live your old beliefs, release them - this is the easiest way!

By applying these 3 principles in my life, I saw incredible results in a short time. It's not a magic pill - it's a new way of thinking. A way of thinking from the position of the Creator of your life, its Master, its Author.

note: Your tool for easy changes - in a convenient online format. Choose the one that suits you!

Are you ready right now to choose the position of the Author of your life and choose a new way of thinking? Then lightness already now enters into all areas of your life. Money is the easiest energy you open to right now, very simple if you choose to.

Write if this article was useful to you, and are you ready to make a choice in favor of lightness right now? Were you curious to know how to open a cash flow? Then we're on our way.

Your opinion is very important to us!

With love and faith in your strength and lightness, Irina Bolgova

Why don't money come to many people? How to make money start coming in? How to "marry" money, open a money channel and attract cash flow? Learn 2 methods to attract money and open a money channel.

Negative thinking, negative programs and beliefs do not allow opening a money channel and make it almost impossible to successfully implement large plans. Meditations on attracting cash flow help to eliminate them.

Meditation on water called "Money Channel"

Meditating on water will help you recharge it in public places.
1. Visit some public place and try to feel its atmosphere - relax and record the sensations that you have when you are here. Remember your feelings - comfortable or not.

2. Now go to a public place where money is "found" - to a bank, to a large store, etc. Try to feel the money channel and tune it to a bottle of water that you will take with you. Imagine how money flows through your water. Try to keep your feelings comfortable.

3. Drink charged water - drink it in small sips, gradually adding it to your meals and drinks. When you drink water, mentally realize your financial goals, attract in your dreams the realization of financial goals. So you will open your money channel and start managing cash flow!

Choosing water for coding

If you want to charge water, then it is best to take melted water - it does not contain any extraneous information. And you don’t have to collect snow on the street - prepare melted water from tap water yourself (just don’t forget to clean it with a filter so that you can drink it later).

marry money

There is an expression: "He is married to luck." How to open a money channel and money began to come? You can increase your cash flow with this practice.

This is said just about this method - to marry money. In order to create this, you need to go to the place where there is always money, for example, to a bank, a store, etc.

Go to the bank and touch the wall of the building, while mentally pronounce the words of matchmaking:

“Here the money converges,
Divides into other people's hands.
Here the coins are copper and gold,
Everyone - both small and large.
Damn my godfather and matchmaker,
Gold-silver brother.
My godfather, my matchmaker,
Take money to my house
For money to love me
And they followed me everywhere.
How a wife follows her husband
And husband after wife
So let the money
Follows me everywhere.
Key. Castle. Language. Amen (3 times)"

Quick Fulfillment of Material Desire

If you need urgent help in solving any material or moral problem, do the following simple ritual.
In silence, write your request on a piece of paper without mistakes and corrections, as if it has already been fulfilled, with as many details as possible.

For example: “I bought a new metallic Toyota Scorpio for (insert amount) by (insert date). Thank the universe. (Your name)".

Read "Our Father" and a prayer to the Mother of God. Hold the paper between your palms, looking at the flame of a lit candle and filling the paper with a strong desire to buy a car. After a few minutes, light the leaf from the candle flame by placing it on a plate. If the sheet has burned to the ground, your request has been heard by the Higher Karmic Council, wait for its execution.

It usually comes true within three months, more often in 21 days. If there is even a tiny unburned piece left, the request has not yet matured. It can be repeated after a few days.

Affirmation to attract money energy

Sit down, relax.

Say: “Cash flows rush to me.
Money energy is inexhaustible.
I am happy to receive money and I am happy to give money.

The more I give, the more comes to me.
Success leads me to success.
God, grant me the wisdom and welfare of Solomon.
The rich man is generous, so I am generous.
A generous God will grant me abundance, success and prosperity.”

We wish you high income and successful fundraising! Help your friends - show them these incredibly practical recommendations!

Recently, while sitting in a hairdressing salon, I noticed a magazine with bright photographs lying on the table. It wasn't even a magazine, but a few shabby pages without a cover left over from it, so I can't tell its name.

The thing is that a little earlier I read an article on Natalia Litvishko's blog about how she performed the ceremony of attracting money, and the next day I came across this advertisement. I thought it was no coincidence...

I don’t know about you, but I don’t know a single person who would not dream of opening their own cash flow, and I am no exception. I wrote down the phone number and decided to inquire about what the experts offer.

A woman with a pleasant voice answered my call, and the question I asked was not unexpected for her:

“Why do some people always get lucky with money, while others have to work hard to somehow provide for themselves and their families?”

It seemed like the Cashflow Discovery Specialist knew in advance all the questions I wanted to ask her, or maybe people ask almost the same questions?

I think that you, too, will be interested to know why some people do not like money, what the Cash Flow Discoverers think about this and what advice they give people.

I heard in response to my question that there is no injustice in this.

If money does not aspire to your hands, if you receive it as a result of hard work and sleepless nights, then there is no understanding between you and the energy of money, you are simply unattractive to the higher cash flow.

“How can you attract money?” I asked.

“In order to answer this question, you need to understand what money itself likes?” she replied.

After a pause, she continued:

“I have one piece of advice on how to please the energy of money, all successful people know it, but the majority of people do not take it into account.

When you pay your bills or pay off your debt, never feel negative. rejoice that you have the opportunity to enter into an energy exchange with cash flow!

The principle is simple: the more positive at giving money from your side, the faster the money will want to return to you, and in an increased volume. If you experience negativity when parting with money, thereby blocking the cash flow, and the source of money quickly dries up.

It turns out that there are many subtleties in dealing with money and there are many tricks to attract money.

I managed to find out one of them: “On the first day of the growing moon, put a stalk of clover or mint in your wallet (you can use the image of these herbs) and say these words: “I love money very much, I call it in my wallet. I attract and beckon, I give all my care!”

And in conclusion, she noted that in order to achieve a lasting effect in attracting cash flow, it is necessary to purchase a magic talisman for money. A money talisman, like a magnet, will attract financial energy to you. With a talisman, you will always be attractive for money.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, today will tell you how to open your money channel with magic and attract good luck in your life. You can end financial dependence and instability. Anyone can help themselves. Just be careful, learn how to open a money channel and attract good luck. And use the magician's advice in your daily life. Even a beginner can master the skills of money witchcraft. This takes time. But, not so much. The key value is still behind the intention and desire to learn and change your life.

How to diagnose problems with a person's money channel

In order to achieve a sustainable result, and not to lose our achievements, not to slide back into the arms of poverty and financial instability, a complete renewal of the form of thinking is necessary. And, of course, as in any business related to magic, absolute faith in one's rightness and one's strength is necessary. The first thing magicians begin their work with a client with is diagnostics of the human money channel. It is usually carried out on the Tarot or Runes - magnificent powerful mantic systems.

You can apply the Money Channel Tarot spread, which will show how your financial channel works and whether you can gain material well-being. The layout is done on 6 cards.

  1. The first card will show the state of your money channel at the current moment, how open or closed it is
  2. The second position will show what is blocking your channel, preventing the access of money to life
  3. Next, you can find the answer to the question of whether financial difficulties represent a karmic problem.
  4. The fourth position will reveal the blocks that prevent you from obtaining wealth, you can find out how money problems affect your psychological plan.
  5. The card in the fifth position will show you the ancestral karma of money.
  6. And finally, how to open access to the money channel, what methods will be the most effective

After the magician understands what is happening to the person, and in what condition his money channel is, he begins the preliminary work. At this stage, the real magician picks up strong rituals for opening a money channel which will be the most efficient. In each case, magical rituals are selected individually.

The human energy field has channels that connect it with the egregor under whose protection and patronage the person is. In modern application techniques, they are often called the Higher Forces, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, prefer to call this Force an egregor. From the work of the channels depends on how full the life of the individual will be. The human money channel is perhaps the most vulnerable. From whatever side, and for whatever purposes they influence a person, the money channel suffers first of all.

Every person should have money. There are plenty of them in the world, even more than you need. If you have constant financial problems and material dependence, this is not normal. If there is no money, you can definitely say: you have problems with the energy field, and you need to take measures to clear the money channel.

How to independently activate a person's money channel - a visualization method

There is a continuous interchange of energies in the world. Energy cannot be stopped, everything that exists is included in this process. Of course, the energy of money is no exception. Money has its material embodiment, familiar to all of us and desired by all of us. With their help, our interaction with the world takes place, money allows us to realize our intentions, motivations and desires.

But, it is also an energy that exists in a thin, invisible sphere in the form of a money egregor. Connecting to him, getting under his protection is able to help conspiracies to clear the money channel with magic. Any egregor exists regardless of the will of man. If he does not see a person, then he will not influence his life in any way, and the person will remain in poverty, no matter how hard he tries to get rich. Therefore, it is so difficult to attract wealth into your life without synchronization with egregorial energies. When set up to receive money, the egregor comes into contact with the biofield more readily. Between the egregor and the person, an energy flow is formed, called a money channel.

To interact with an egregor, you need to understand the principles of its work and know how to open a money channel at home. Visualization is a wonderful technique. It is impossible to carry it out without willpower. In addition, you need faith in your own abilities and, of course, a developed imagination.

Visualization can be done when you feel the inclination to conduct such a ritual. This method is a magical technique, but does not depend on the state of the moon, and other conventions. You need to relax, sit or stand better, turning your face to the east. Close your eyes and take 12 deep breaths in and out. You will feel your body relax and your mind clear. Imagine a shining crystal of pure energy in front of you. The light approaches you, penetrates you, and you absorb it. Try to see everything as clearly as possible, remember the feeling of harmony and security that has appeared. Mentally return to it periodically, be filled with egregor energy.

Now let's move on to the reasons for the lack of money. Nothing in this world happens for no reason. If you are poor, this is a consequence of an existing problem. And your task is to identify this problem. Understand why the money channel is blocked.

Rituals of practical magic and what harms money channels

So, what condemns a person to poverty?

  • There is such a thing in real money magic: karmic beggars. The presence of a generic program for poverty is the most common reason for the lack of money. People with such a program come into this world with a weakened channel of money. Their ancestors were poor, bankrupt nobles or dispossessed peasants in certain times. In the latter case, in addition to the generic program, there are also blocks: you can’t be rich, you can be rich. Of course, you can live without the support of the ancestral money channel. But what is this life? Poverty, constant patching of financial holes. What is easy for others, people who do not have the support of a generic egregore achieve with sweat and blood. Karmic beggars - in the process of life, degrade, changing the status of full members of society to the status of people of the social bottom. magical rituals clear money channels. You can get rid of the generic program for poverty thanks to complex work: magical cleansing, energy filling of human fields. In addition, psychological work will also be required in order to rid a person of old stereotypes of thinking.
  • The second reason for the lack of money includes negative magical effects. Magicians and sorcerers are remarkably aware of how to close the money channel. Damage to poverty, ruin, failure - all this can seriously ruin your life. The financial channel is vulnerable, any damage is capable of blocking it, even the one that is directed to other areas - love, health, luck, beauty.
  • The third reason for the lack of money is the evil eye. The evil eye is an energy thief, and its source is such a terrible human vice as envy.
  • The fourth reason for problems with lack of money is the negative influence of a marriage partner. It happens that people are so unsuitable for each other that over time their energy channels begin to collapse. Such negative metamorphoses can occur with both spouses or with one person who is more vulnerable in a couple. For such people, often the only way out of the vicious circle is parting, which will allow everyone to open a money channel on their own.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

How to pump a money channel - money must be loved

It is to love, but not to make a cult out of them. In general, the money channel should be treated with respect and attention. And follow the rules of careful contact with money. Counting your money, surrender to its magic. At the moments of communication with money, your material channel is fed, which will allow you to increase your fortune.

It is impossible to express disregard for money. For this there is a severe punishment from egregor. Self-programming phrase - I will not have money, I did not live richly, there is nothing to start, and others like them also contribute. Avoid it like a dangerous disease. As often as possible, visualize yourself inside a red, green, or gold balloon as wealthy, happy, and independent. This visualization will help you open a money channel. You can sit down, close your eyes and imagine how money rains down on you.

You can't underestimate your abilities. “I would just like a little money, pay off my debts or buy a room in a hostel…”. With such an attitude, money will not open the way into your life. Ask for as much as possible. The forces will reduce the gift for some of your sins, so there is no need to do this yourself.

The money egregore will not patronize you if you give money to anyone - poor loafers and drunkards. Do not stop them from working off their karmic debts, otherwise the egregor will punish you.

Don't lend. In 99% of cases, people who lend money have financial problems. However, if you let the money work, for example, by lending money at interest, such problems do not arise.

How to independently open a money channel with magic

Money has to work. This is an indispensable condition. The more money you spend on yourself, the sooner they return. There are unique in their simplicity and efficiency, allowing you to open a money channel.

To attract money into your life, make with your own hands such an amulet of monetary success.

  1. Sew a small bag of natural green or gold fabric and put peony seeds in it. Carry the amulet in your pocket or purse.
  2. Another option, a little more complicated: put a coin, wheat grains, pine nuts, juniper fruits and a magnet in a golden bag. Carry in your bag. It can also be kept at home as a talisman for success in financial transactions.

To open a money channel and attract good luck, do the ritual yourself to increase wealth. For this money magnet you will need:

  • a nickel or a banknote of 50 rubles
  • green yarn
  • eucalyptus or bergamot oil

Wrap the yarn around the money to make a small ball. Strengthen the thread, put 3 drops of essential oil on the ball, and hang it over the front door. Everyone who comes to your house will bring you money or gifts.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give another very good home ritual money channel cleansing and opening the way for money. This magical rite is done with the help of the Powers of white magic.

Three Mondays in a row, read before going to bed a conspiracy to open a money channel:

“Son of God Jesus Christ, Holy Fathers of Kiev, Caves, hermits of Svyatogorsk, help, rescue and end this misfortune, penniless, filthy and filthy. And I will recognize her and persuade her with pleasant words and the Lord's prayers. You won’t be here, don’t drink pure blood, don’t break a yellow bone, don’t embarrass a good heart, don’t cloud bright eyes. I will call you to the banks and swamps, where people do not go, the bells do not ring, where the Christian voice is at sunset, where the dogs do not bark, where the girl does not play with a scythe. There you will live forever, but you don’t know me. Amen".

White conspiracy to open a money channel

An independent ritual to attract money can be performed on the new moon. Take a loaf of fresh Borodino bread, put it on the table and rotate it clockwise.
golden horns

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